The General Administrative Division of the institute is headed by an Administrative Officer(AO) from the Combined Administrative Services. He functions as the Estate Officer and also as the Vigilance Officer forms the independent link between the Chief Vigilance Officer, CSIR and the Institute. The AO is the designated officer to accept notice on behalf of the Institute and is the authorised signatory for all agreements with external agencies. The General Administration provides back bone support for the various activities of the institute. The division is primarily divided into the following sections, each headed by a Section Officer:
- Recruitment & Assessment Section: The section is responsible for maintaining up to date reservation rosters and is the nodal section for all recruitment and assessment activities. The section is presently clubbed with Vigilance and Legal cell. The cell coordinates all activities relating to legal issues and forms an independent link in case of vigilance matters to the Chief Vigilance Officer, CSIR.
- Establishment Section: The section is responsible for maintaining all service records of regular employees and handles various service matter requests related to an employee.
- General Section: This section is responsible for all miscellaneous activities related to campus and infrastructure management of the Institute. The section also looks after administrative issues of maintenance works and is responsible for housekeeping functions.
- Bill Section: The Drawing and Disbursing Officer heads the bill section and is primarily responsible for all monetary transactional activities. This section looks after all employee claims, advances, payments to outside parties and other financial dealings of the Institute. The Cashier looks after the day to day small value monetary payments and receipts. All payments received from outside are processed through this section and the monthly wage and salary bill is also prepared here.
- Security and Reception: This section deals with the visitors to the institute and the security is responsible for maintaining and preserving the safety of all installations of the institute besides acting as the first responders in case of any emergency.
- Transport Cell: The cell is headed by a Technical Officer who supervises the institute vehicle fleet. This cell is also the nodal cell for all transportation activities either through the staff vehicles or through the externally hired vehicles.
Administrative Officer

Administrative Officer
ID. No. 1314
aorecruit@neist.res.in, prasoon@igib.res.in
Ph : +91 0376 2370116 extn 2236
Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Section Officers

Section Officer(G)
ID. No. 1309
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2230
Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Rajbhasa Section

Hindi Officer
ID. No. 897
Ph : +91 0376 2370085 extn 2245
Fax : +91 0376 2370011

Assistant Section Officer
ID. No. 1262
Ph: +91-360-2350220
Email: rajukumar@neist.res.in/raju06012@gmail.com
Director's Secretariat

B.Tech Biotechnology, MIPL
Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1112
ilix_z@yahoo.co.in, ilika@neist.res.in
Ph : 91-0376-2370139 extn 2306 / Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest: IPR, Technology Transfer & Business Development, Publications & Publicity, S&T and R&D data management.

Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1109
jjmahanta@neist.res.in, mahantajiban_9@yahoo.com, mahantajiban@gmail.com
Mob: 7086064300
Area’s of Interest: Training and development, Bioactivity of medicinal, aromatic & economic plants, Microbiology

Non tech
ID. No. 1266

ID. No. 1069

Lab Attendant (2)
ID. No. 1212

Lab Attendant (2)
ID. No. 1213
AO Section

Jr. Stenographer
ID. No. 1263

Assistant Gr. III
ID. No. 1013

ID. No. 1010
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2330

Lab Attendant(2)
ID. No. 1193

Sr. Secretariat Asstt.(G)
ID. No. 1251
ISO Secretariat

ID. No. 1083
Bill Section

Astt. Gr II
ID. No. 1087

Non tech
ID. No. 1203

Non tech
ID. No. 1266

Group C(MTS)
ID. No. 1289
Establishment Section

Non Tech
ID. No. 1267
General Section(Works)

Non Tech
ID. No. 1071

Astt Gr III
ID. No. 1233
Dispatch Section

Lab. Attendant(2)
ID. No. 1126

Lab. Attendant(2)
ID. No. 1209
Recruitment Section

Astt Gr I
ID. No. 866

Astt Gr III
ID. No. 1011

Non Tech
ID. No. 1269

ID. No. 1083