It is a small tidy meticulously designed medical facility. It has all the basic elements of primary health care. It is well equipped to resuscitate seriously ailing patients. The clinical centre is a vibrant health care unit with the following objectives:-
a) To provide positive health care service to the community.
b) To attain freedom from sickness by preventing illness and by promotion of health.
c) Improving the quality of life by reducing morbidity and mortality.
d) To thrive to achieve excellence and continual improvement of it’s activity by sharing of knowledge and expertise.
- Immunization of children and pregnant mother under national immunization programmes.
- Providing round the clock emergency health care facilities.
- Providing preventive and curative health care to staff members, pensioners and their dependents .
- Monitoring of chronically ailings including lifestyle diseases.
- Carrying out pathological and bio-chemical investigations including thyroid hormones, liver function tests, renal function tests, cardiac troponin etc. Further, electrocardiogram and spirometry are routinely performed.
- Disposal of bio- medical waste as per norms.
- Determination, collection and analysis of appropriate patient management data to demonstrate system of the clinical centre.
- To organize screening programmes for detection and monitoring of diseases.
- Active participation of doctors and staff in Network Projects of the laboratory as a member of the team in technology/process/ product development and filing of patents.
Head of the Department & Medical Officer

Principal Technical Officer
ID. No. 853
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2442 / Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest : Medical science
Medical Officers

Senior Technical Officer(1)
ID. No. 1291
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2442 / Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest : Medical science
Technical Officers

Principal Technical Officer
ID. No. 362
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2443 / Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest : Pathological Testing
Technical Staff

Senior Technician (2)
ID. No. 877
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2443
Fax : +91 0376 2370011

Technician (2)
ID. No. 1077
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2443
Fax : +91 0376 2370011

Technician (1)
ID. No. 1133
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2443
Fax : +91 0376 2370011

Lab. Assistant
ID. No. 1021
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2443
Fax : +91 0376 2370011