Head of the Division

BE (Mechanical engg)
Chief Scientist
ID. No. 149
borajj@neist.res.in, jjbora@yahoo.com
Ph.:+91 0376-2372850 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Cement plant technology, Welding inspection, Physical testing of engineering materials, Utility oriented equipment design, Coke oven technology.
Group Leader

BE (Mechanical engg)
Chief Scientist
ID. No. 149
borajj@neist.res.in, jjbora@yahoo.com
Ph.:+91 0376-2372850 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Cement plant technology, Welding inspection, Physical testing of engineering materials, Utility oriented equipment design, Coke oven technology.

BE (Mechanical engg) M Tech (Petroleum exploration & production)
Sr. Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1054
Ph.:+91 0376-2370117 /Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Engineering design, Mathematical modelling

BE(Mechanical Engineering) ME(Mechanical Engineering)
ID. No. 1247
dhanjit@neist.res.in, dasdhanjit11@gmail.com
Ph.:+91 0376-2370117 /Fax: 0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Computational Fluid Dynamics,Engineering Design,Rural Technology Development.

B.Tech (NERIST), M.Tech & Ph.D (IIT Guwahati)
ID. No. 1281
jdoley@neist.res.in, doleyb@gmail.com.
Ph.:+91 0376-2370117 /Fax: 0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest :High energy rate forming (Electro-magnetic and Electro-hydraulic forming), Solid state welding (Friction stir welding and Electro-magnetic welding), Renewable energy (Hydro-electric converter)

B.Tech (Mechanical Engg.) , M.Tech., PhD
ID. No. 1299
biswajitgogoi@neist.res.in, gogoi.bj.69@gmail.com
Ph.:+91 0376-2370117 /Fax: 0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest :Heat transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Energy, Thermoelectric, Combustion systems
Technical Officers

Diploma (Mechanical engg)
Senior Technical Officer (1)
ID. No. 1153
Ph.:+91 0376 2370121 extn 2390
Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Technical Staff

Senior Technician(1)
ID. No. 1022
Ph.:+91 0376 2370121 extn 2390
Fax : +91 0376 2370011

ID. No. 1271
Ph.:+91 0376 2370121 extn 2390
Fax : +91 0376 2370011

ID. No. 1146
Ph.:+91 0376 2370121 extn 2390
Fax : +91 0376 2370011

ID. No. 1161
Ph.:+91 0376 2370121 extn 2390
Fax : +91 0376 2370011

ID. No. 1162
Ph.:+91 0376 2370121 extn 2390
Fax : +91 0376 2370011

Lab. Assistant
ID. No. 803
Ph.:+91 0376 2370121 extn 2390
Fax : +91 0376 2370011

Lab. Attendant(1)
ID. No. 1128
Ph.:+91 0376 2370121 extn 2390
Fax : +91 0376 2370011

Lab. Attendant(1)
ID. No. 1183
Ph.:+91 0376 2370121 extn 2390
Fax : +91 0376 2370011

Lab. Attendant(1)
ID. No. 1186
Ph.:+91 0376 2370121 extn 2390
Fax : +91 0376 2370011

ID. No. 221
Ph.:+91 0376 2370121 extn 2390
Fax : +91 0376 2370011

ID. No. 466
Ph.:+91 0376 2370121 extn 2390
Fax : +91 0376 2370011

ID. No. 467
Ph.:+91 0376 2370121 extn 2390
Fax : +91 0376 2370011