Data sciences has emerged as a critical technology for all basic and translational research endeavours. The abundance of natural wealth, bio-diversity, geo-diversity can be put to great use for the development of the North East region in particular and nation in general by adopting contemporary scientific and technological advances. CSIR-NEIST undertakes the path of documentation, digitization, deposition of data and analyse this data with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applications, with outcomes leading to societal benefit.
The division’s mandate is to conduct fundamental and applied research in Computational Modelling and Data Science Spanning. The division is expected to facilitate various R&D Divisions viz. Geosciences, Chemical Sciences, Materials Sciences, Biological Sciences and Engineering Sciences to perform big data analysis by adopting contemporary scientific and technological advances. Also it will undertake the path of documentation, digitization, deposition of data and subject this data for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applications.
- Developing disease specific webportals based on galaxy platform on metabolic disorders, NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease), HIV, etc.
- Chemoinformatics and developing a compound library, where each compound available in public domain is obtained and a given a special MPDS ID, akin to Aadhar card.
- Developing interaction with medical doctors and clinicians in healthcare, and kickstart the initiative of DISHA (development of informatics for societal health advancement), which was conceived a while ago.
- Employing the state of art AI, ML and statistical approaches for data analysis in chemo-, bio-, pharmaco-, geo-, plant-, and soil informatics.
- IoT based real time data generation, modeling with AI, ML.
- Documentation, digitization & deposition of plant species collected from North Eastern region of India.
- Development of potential disease modifying agent using Computer Aided Drug Design approach.
- Designing pharmacophore & drug target interaction models using structural bio informatics.
- Development of new functional materials for device designing.
- Development of new geo dynamic model to understand the lithospheric deformation pattern beneath North East Himalaya and Indo-Burmese wedge.
- Understanding the complex lithospheric and asthenospheric interaction in Shillong plateau and understanding its pop up tectonics.

Ph. D in Computer Science and Engineering
ID No. 1298
Email ID: hridoy@neist.res.in, hridoy69@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Arificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Software Development, Database Development

Ph. D
ID No. 1293
Email ID: nagamani@neist.res.in
Area of Interest: Software Development, Machine Learning, Network Pharmacology

Ph. D in Computer Science and Engineering
ID No. 1298
Email ID: hridoy@neist.res.in, hridoy69@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Arificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Software Development, Database Development

PhD (Botany)
Scientist (Adjuct)
ID No. 1297
Email ID: pbharali@neist.res.in, pankajbharali98@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Plant pathogen interaction, genomic-based pathogenicity, plant systematics, alpine biodiversity, medicinal and aromatic plants, conservation biology, traditional knowledge-based drug discovery, ethnobiology

B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
Technical Officer
ID. No. 1349
Email ID: bikram@neist.res.in
Areas of interest: Website Development, Sotware Development, Artificial Inteligence, Machine Learning

M. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
Technical Officer
ID. No. 1350
Email ID: debasish@neist.res.in
Areas of interest: Brain-computer Interface, Machine Learning, Internet-of-Things, Software Development

Diploma in Information Technology
Technical Assistant
ID. No. 1332
Email ID: vaikundamani@neist.res.in
Areas of interest: IT Administration, Computer Hardwares and Network Security, Website Development

Ph. D, Tezpur University, Tezpur, Assam
Post Doctoral Fellow
Email ID: hima91sarma@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Development of galaxy based Cancer Specific Web portal (MPDS-Cancer) using Machine Learning, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

Ph. D in Applied Physics, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Post Doctoral Fellow
Email ID: akbbau@yahoo.com
Area of Interest: Computational Chemistry, Molecular Modeling, Non-Covalent Interactions, Computer-Aided Drug Design, Development of Disease Specific Web Portals (MPDS) based on Galaxy Platform, Compound Library, IoT, Artificial Inteligence and Machine Learning

Ph. D in Physics, Assam University, Silchar, Assam
Post Doctoral Fellow
Email ID: deb.jyotirmoy11@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Electronic Structure Calculations, Designing of Novel Materials for Optoelectronics, Energy Storage and Gas Sensing Applications

Ph. D in Bioinformatics
Post Doctoral Fellow
Email ID: prajishasujaya@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Drug Design, Molecular Dynamics, Pharmacophore Mapping and Molecular Docking

Ph. D, BR Ambedkar University, Luckhnow, Uttar Pradesh
Post Doctoral Fellow
Email ID: apdapbbau@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Computational Chemistry, Noncovalent Interactions
Current Position: Post Doctoral Fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Isreal

Ph. D in Computational Biology, CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad, Telangana
Post Doctoral Fellow
Email ID: mr.kumarnandan@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Protein and Membrane Modeling, Non-Covelant Interactions and Drug Design
Current Position: Post Doctoral Fellow, Kansas State University, USA

Ph. D in Biological Sciences
Post Doctoral Fellow
Email ID: lijo89john@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Chemoinformatics, Machine learning, Computer Aided Drug Design, Molecular Property Diagnostic Suite (MPDS) - Software Development
Current Position: Dr. Reddy's Lab, Hyderabad

Ph. D in Computational Biology
Post Doctoral Fellow
Email ID: essjmr@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Computer Aided Drug Designing, Network Pharmacology, Database Development, Web Portal Design, Molecular Biology
Current Position: Schrodinger Inc. Hyderabad

M.Sc. in Bioinformatics
Research Scholar
Email ID: lipsa.bim@gmail.com, lipsa.neist22j@acsir.res.in
Area of Interest: Computational and Structural Biology, Data Science (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning), Database Development, and Web Portal Design

M.Sc. in Chemistry
Research Scholar
Email ID: k.drysti@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Computational chemistry and Materials Modelling, Designing of Advanced Materials for High-end Applications, Properties Exploration of Nanoscale Materials

M.Sc. in Bioinformatics
Research Scholar
Email ID: dipshikhagogoi67@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Computer-Aided Drug Designing, Structural Biology, Molecular Modeling, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Biological Network Analysis and Database Development

M.Sc. in Biotechnology (Assam University, Silchar, Assam)
Research Scholar (UGC-JRF)
Email ID: Pandeyabhishek655@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Computer-Aided Drug Discovery, Molecular Biology of Host-Pathogen Interaction and Diseases

Ph. D in Computational Chemistry(Thesis Submitted)
DST Inspire Fellow
Email ID: bhargavkumar1804@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Computational Chemistry, Cheminformatics and Data Driven Approaches
Current Position: Senior Project Associate, CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad

Ph. D in Computational Biology(Thesis Submitted)
Research Scholar(UGC-NET JRF)
Email ID: kikrutant@gmail.com, kikrusenuo.neist19a@acsir.res.in
Area of Interest: Database development, Ethnopharmacology, Protein-Protein Interaction, Molecular Modelling, Natural Products

Ph. D in Computational Biology
Post Doctoral Fellow
Email ID: essjmr@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Computer Aided Drug Designing, Network Pharmacology, Database Development, Web Portal Design, Molecular Biology
Current Position: Schrodinger Inc. Hyderabad

B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
Scientific Administrative Assistant
Email ID: hillulchutia@gmail.com
Area of Interest: App Development and Machine Learning

M. Tech in Information Security (NIT Allahabad)
Research Scholar
Email ID: bitu.mazumdar@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Machine learning, Web Application Development

M.Sc. in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
Scientific Administrative Assistant
Email ID: debapornajrt@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Biological Database Management System, Microbiology and Biotechnology

M.Sc. in Chemistry
Project Associate-I
Email ID: krishnandudey2017@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Computational nanomaterials defects and catalysis