The main objectives of the Group are Exploration of the Plant Resources of North-East India and identification of potential Medicinal and Aromatic plants and Industrial value up for development of technology for mass multiplication of commercially prospective species and their conservation. The value addition of the germplasm through development of different product and dissemination of proven technologies to indigenous people, governmental organizations, entrepreneur for overall economic development is an important focus in the group.
Head of the Division

Ph D (Plant physiology)
Pr Scientist
ID. No. 1052
siddhartha@neist.res.in, spsaikia@gmail.com
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2332 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Plant physiology

Ph D (Entomology)
Pr Scientist
ID. No. 1055
mantubhuyan@neist.res.in, mantubhuyan@gmail.com
Ph : +91 0376 2372950 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Butterfly, Insect-plant interaction, Insect-behaviour

Ph D (Plant taxonomy)
Pr Scientist
ID. No. 1115
banikdipanwita@yahoo.com, dipanwitabanik@neist.res.in
Ph : 91-0376-2370139 extn 2308 Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest : Bioscience and biotechnology, Environmental science

Ph D (Plant Breeding)
Pr. Scientist & Associate Professor.
ID. No. 1227
Ph : +91 0376 2372950 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Plant Breeding

MSc (Chemistry, IIT-Kharagpur), PhD (Chemistry, CSIR-NCL, Pune)
Senior Scientist
ID. No. 1284
saikat.haldar@neist.res.in, saikatchembiol@gmail.com
Area’s of Interest : Natural product chemistry and biocatalysis

Ph.D (Botany), CSIR-IIIM, Jammu
ID. No. 1342
sumitsingh.neist.res.in; ssumitthakur14@gmail.com
Area’s of Interest : Plant Taxonomy of Himalayan flora, Ethnobotany, ecological studies of Himalayan region, conservation of rare and endangered high altitude medicinal plants, Pollen diversity and analysis.
Technical Officers

Ph.D, M Sc(Botany)
Technical Officer
ID. No. 1003
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2330 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Plant tissue culture

Senior Technical Officer (2)
ID. No. 1220
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2330 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Medicinal, Aromatic & Economic Plants

Senior Technical Officer (2)
ID. No. 1157
Ph : + 0376-237011/2370139 extn 2426 Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest : Nano Science, Catalysis, Fiber Chemistry, Cellulose Pulp & Paper, Building material.

Senior Technical Officer (2)
ID. No. 1134
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2330 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest :Medicinal, Aromatic & Economic Plants
M.Sc (Microbiology)
Technical Assistant
ID. No. 1325
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2330 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest :Microbiology and Medicinal, Aromatic and Economics Plants
Technical Staff

Non Tech
ID. No. 1205
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2330