The then Regional Research Laboratory, Substation, Imphal was established in 1973 with the main aim to undergo research and development of oil yielding plants. After renaming the then RRL to NEIST, the Substation has been upgraded to the status of Branch Laboratory in 2012 with many more activities and research areas such as Biodiversity, Bioprospection, Designing and development of products based on ethnic designs and materials, Seismic observatory, Weather monitoring station, etc. The Branch Laboratory will be focusing more on motivation and transfer of technology of CSIR to NGOs, Organizations, Entrepreneurs, etc.
Head of the Department

Ph D (Rangeland ecology)
Chief Scientist
ID. No. 1019
singhhb@neist.res.in, hbirkumars@yahoo.com
Ph : +91 0385-2414481 / Fax : +91 0385-2414481
Area’s of Interest : Plant biodiversity, Rangeland ecology, Economic botany, Wetlands
Technical Officers

MSc, MPhil (Zoology)
Senior Technical Officer (1)
ID. No. 1135
nabem@neist.res.in, abem.ningthou@gmail.com
0385-2414481; Mobile: 9612534032 / Fax: 0385-2414481
Area’s of Interest : Pest Management of Economic Plants

MSc (Biotechnology)
Senior Technical Officer (1)
ID. No. 1144
somananda@neist.res.in, som123456thoc@gmail.com
0385-2414481; Mobile: 9856765286 / Fax: 0385-2414481
Area’s of Interest : Plant Biotechnology
Support Staff

ID. No. 1172

Lab. Attendant(1)
ID. No. 1218

ID. No. 1068