Highlights of the Group
The glorious journey of Advanced Materials Group has started from 1964. At the beginning it was established as Fuel Division for research in Vertical Shaft Kiln technology for cement making. In 1967, it was converted to Cement Division for working on Vertical Shaft Kiln (VSK) technology. In 1971 the division was renamed as Silicate Technology Division for working in the areas of value added silicate materials. The department was further converted to Inorganic Chemistry Division in 1976, with its areas of research extending to cement and building materials, iron ore beneficiation and pelletization, oil field chemicals, zeolites, catalysts and other inorganic chemicals. Later the department added new and exciting research areas like ores and minerals of North Eastern region, adsorption, clay chemistry, organometallic and coordination compounds, supported nanometals, nanostructured materials, layered materials, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts. The department was renamed in 1994 as Materials Science Division and from 2016 the group is rechristened as Advanced Materials Group. The group has taken up research in the fields of nanocomposite materials, metal organic frameworks, catalysis, small molecules activation and nano oxidic membranes for water and gas purification etc.
The glorious journey of Advanced Materials Group has started from 1964. At the beginning it was established as Fuel Division for research in Vertical Shaft Kiln technology for cement making. In 1967, it was converted to Cement Division for working on Vertical Shaft Kiln (VSK) technology. In 1971 the division was renamed as Silicate Technology Division for working in the areas of value added silicate materials. The department was further converted to Inorganic Chemistry Division in 1976, with its areas of research extending to cement and building materials, iron ore beneficiation and pelletization, oil field chemicals, zeolites, catalysts and other inorganic chemicals. Later the department added new and exciting research areas like ores and minerals of North Eastern region, adsorption, clay chemistry, organometallic and coordination compounds, supported nanometals, nanostructured materials, layered materials, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts. The department was renamed in 1994 as Materials Science Division and from 2016 the group is rechristened as Advanced Materials Group. The group has taken up research in the fields of nanocomposite materials, metal organic frameworks, catalysis, small molecules activation and nano oxidic membranes for water and gas purification etc.

M.Sc.(Chemistry), Ph.D(Materials Science)
Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1081
mrdas@neist.res.in, mnshrdas@yahoo.com
Ph.: +91 0376 2370081 (o) Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Graphene based Nanocomposite, Surface Chemistry, Nanoscience
Personal Website

Ph D (Inorganic chemistry)
Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1082
Ph.: +91 0376 2370081 (o) Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Materials synthesis & characterization, Clay materials
Biodata : Personal Webpage.

M. Sc. (IIT Kanpur), Ph. D (IIT Kanpur)
Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1259
bsaha@neist.res.in, bischem@gmail.com
Ph.: +91 0376 2370081 (o) Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Organometallics,Catalysis, Small molecule Activation, Green Chemistry, Reaction Mechanism
Personal web site

M.Sc. (NEHU Shillong), PhD (IIT Guwahati)
ID. No. 1306
Email : sandeep@neist.res.in
Area’s of Interest : Supramolecular Chemistry, Molecular Recognition, Crystal Engineering, Self-Healing Crystalline Materials and Porous Crystalline Materials
Technical Staff

Technical Officer
ID. No. 1244
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2411 Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest : Materials Science

ID. No. 1148
Area’s of Interest : Materials Science
Dr. Paran Jyoti Kalita
M.Sc, PhD.
ID. No. 1150
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2411
Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest : Materials Science

Non Tech
ID. No. 1072
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2411
Fax : +91 0376 2370011