Message from the Directors Desk
CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology, a premier R&D institute of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), was established in the year 1961 to specifically address the need of the North Eastern Region. The institute has been working its best to fulfil its mandate and mission by providing R&D inputs for development of the NE region and the country. The charter of the institute has been aimed at (i) putting to effective use the immense material resources of the NE region of India and to provide R&D inputs for developing the economy of the region in particular and country as a whole. (ii) helping the region in solving such problems of development confronting it from time to time (iii) taking up long range problems, solution of which would help the economic development and industrialization of the NER and (iv) functioning as a link between the state organization and other national laboratories on problems requiring specialized attention.
The institute is currently working in the frontier areas of science like Agro-technologies, Environmental studies, Herbal formulations, Bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil, Earthquake Seismology, Geotechnical investigations, Soil and Building materials, Nano and Advanced materials, Catalysts, Synthetic molecules, Coal & petroleum, Oilfield chemicals, Paper products and Natural products and fibres, etc.
Recently, CSIR-NEIST has been globally ranked by the international ranking organization SCImago in “SCImago International Ranking for R&D Organizations (2017)” where CSIR is placed in 75th position out of 5250 institutions of the world. CSIR-NEIST Jorhat is placed at 556th in the World and 15th in India. CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat is also placed at the 10th position amongst CSIR institutes in India.
As a major S&T player, the institute strives to achieve new R&D standards, lab to land transfer of technologies, scientific & technical manpower development, skill development, entrepreneurship development and networking with academic institutes as well as others laboratories and industries. The institute has translated 20 technologies to 36 industrial houses in the last 5 years. CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat’s contribution to research is also exemplified by its high quality publications in internationally reputed journals.
The institute has also been known for rendering high quality testing/analysis services for various samples like water, soil, fertilizers, building materials, cement, iron & steel, stones, oil & petroleum products, coal, minerals, fibres, paper, boards, natural products etc. The institute is well-equipped with high end instruments like FE-SEM, HRTEM, XPS, AFM, XRD, NMR, AAS, HRMS, GCMS, Confocal microscope, flow cytometer, etc.
We welcome interaction and collaborations with the industry, academia and society to improve and implement our research efforts for the benefit of NE region in particular and the country in general.
Dr G. Narahari Sastry, Director