Name | : | Dr. J. Jayaramudu |
Designation | : | Principal Scientist |
Qualification | : | Ph.D. (Polymer science & Tech.,) |
Contact Details | : | Polymer Petroleum & Coal Chemistry Group, CSIR-North East institute of Science & Technology, Jorhat-785006, Assam, India, Mob. +91-8828481867 |
Email id | : | jayaramj@neist.res.in |

Areas of Research
- Monomers, Polymers & Functional Materials
- Polymer Nanocomposite Materials
- Polymer/rubber chemistry
- Preparation of new catalysts for bio-polymers
- Polymer& biopolymer based packaging technology
- Alternative fuels/valuable chemicals from biomass
- Biopolymer Processing
- Catalysis for value added materials for petrochemical industries
- To beneficiate minerals of North Eastern region and value addition
- Bio-degradable Polymer Development
- Utilization of plastic waste& solid waste
- Design and development of active/smart materials
- Polymeric materials from renewable resources
Professional Experience
- Principal Scientist CSIR- North East institute of science & Tech., Govt. of India, India (2017 to till Date…)
- Asst. Director Indian Rubber Manufacturers Research Association (IRMRA), Govt. of India, India (2015-2017).
- Senior Scientist Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Material Science and Manufacturing, (2014-15), South Africa.
- NRF Post-doc Tshwane University of Tech.,(2013-14), South Africa.
- TUT Post-Doc Tshwane University of Tech.,(2011-13),South Africa.
- Jr. Research Fellow Sri Krishna Devaraya University (2007-2011), India.
- Development of low cost biodegradable plastics from Indian agricultural-food processing starch wastes for food packaging and other value added applications(Funded bySERB-DST, New Delhi) (28.27 Lakhs) .
- Utilization of North East Region (NER), India clay minerals for ceramic applications (Funded byCSIR, New Delhi) (2.46 Crore) .
- Polymers, their composites and polymeric membranes for sustainable development of petroleum industries. (Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India) (4.99 Crore) .
- Sustainable Advanced Materials and polymer Processes for Environment, Energy, and Industry (Ongoing).
- Emerging R&D for long term Sustainability of Petroleum Industry (Ongoing).
- Sustainable Materials and Processes for Energy, Environment and Industry.
- Design & development of polymeric nano-composite materials and resource quality assessment along with value addition of low-quality coal/natural carbonaceous materials.
- Value added products from North East Indian Coal, Petroleum and Biomass.
- Development of New Competitive, Environmental and Sustainable Bio-based Petroleum & Polymeric Nano-composite materials, and Resource Quality Assessment in the Petroleum and Allied Industries..
- Developing environmental-friendly packaging materials with essential oils to control the postharvest diseases in mango” under South Africa (NRF) &DST (India) bilateral S&T Programme,Completed.
- Developing PP based nanocomposites having improved thermal and mechanical properties for rigid packaging by using Nano-fillers. The in-house project, TUT, South Africa.Completed.
- Structure and Properties of highly toughened Biodegradable Polylactide/nano-fillers bio composite films. In-house project, TUT, South Africa. Completed.
- Preparation and characterization of nano-cellulose with biopolymersIn-house project,South Africa.Completed.
List of Publications (Most Recent)
Total No. of Publications: 54
- Pubali Chetia, Ravi. Purbey, Ramesh Chandra Bohra, J.Jayaramudu, Influence of silylatednano cellulose reinforcement on the mechanical, water resistance, thermal, morphological and antibacterial properties of soy protein isolate (SPI)-based composite films,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 242, 2, 124861, 2023. (IF:8.2)
- A Review on Modification of Polypropylene Carbonates (PPC) Using Different types of Blends/Composites and Its Advanced Uses, Dipjyoti Bora Chayanika Bharadwaj, Ravi Purbey, HrishikeshDutta,Ramesh Chand Bohra,BiswajitSaha, Jarugala Jayaramudu, Materials Today Communications,2023,(Accepted) (IF: 3.8)
- Fabrication of bio-nanocomposite packaging film with PVA, MMt clay nanoparticles, CNCs, and essential oils for the postharvest preservation of sapota fruits, SenthamilSelvi. P, Vishnupriya. S, Abhishek Biswal. R, Periyar Selvam. S, Jayaramudu. J , E. R. Sadiku, Polymer, 2023 (Accepted).(IF:5.0)
- High porosity and oxygen vacancy enriched WO3-x thin films for room temperature hydrogen gas sensors,RamyaBarathy T, P.V. Karthik Yadav, AnibrataMondal, B. Ajitha, Jayaramudu Jarugala, Y. Ashok Kumar Reddy,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023(IF:7.2)
- Physiochemical Analysis of Manilkarazapota (Sapota) Coated with Aloe Vera Gel and Enriched with Ajwain and Oregano Essential Oils,SenthamilSelvi. P, Vishnupriya. S, Abhishek Biswal. R, Periyar Selvam. S, Jayaramudu J, Emman-uel R. Sadiku, Coatings, 2023, 13(8), 1358.(IF:3.4)
- Effect of Functionalized Hybrid Chitosan/Gum Arabic Bilayer Coatings with Lemongrass Essential Oil on the Postharvest Disease Control and the Physicochemical Properties of Papaya (Carica papaya) Fruits,Dharini V, Periyar Selvam S, Jayaramudu J, Sadiku Emmanuel,South African Journal of Botany, 2023,60, 602-612.(IF:3.1).
- Utility of a ferrocene unit in a cyclometallatedCp*Ir(III) catalyst during water oxidation: exploring bimetallic cooperativity, Biswajit S, FirdausRahaman G, Debashree B, Dibyendu M, Abir S, Subrata G, J Jayaramudu,European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2023,e2023004.(IF:2.55).
- B. Mahanta, A. Saikia, P. Saikia, J. Jayaramudu, S. Periyar Selvam, A. VaradaRajulu& E. RotimiSadiku, Mineralogical Control on Ash Fusion Temperatures of some High Sulfur Indian coals by oxides generated during combustion, International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 815-830,43,2023.(IF:2.697)
- Dipjyoti Bora, J. Jayaramudu, PrasenjitSaikia, Ramesh C. Bohra, LachitPhukan, Effect of boehmite alumina nanoparticles on the physical and chemical characteristics of eco-friendly sodium alginate/polyvinyl alcohol bio- nanocomposite film, International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 27, 236-251 , 2022.(IF: 2.583)
- V. Dharini., S. Periyar Selvam, J. Jayaramudu, R. Sadiku Emmanuel, Functional properties of clay nanofillers used in the biopolymer-based composite films for active food packaging applications – Review, Applied Clay Science, 106555,2022.(IF:5.66)
- UK Aruna Nair, S P.Selvam, E. R.Sadiku, J Jayaramudu, Development of antifungal biocomposite film against postharvest pathogens Colletotrichumgloeosporioides and Lasiodiplodiatheobromae, Materials Today:Proceedings , 2021.(IF:2.59)
- J. Jayaramudu, G. Siva Mohan Reddy, K. Varaprasad, E. R. Sadiku, S. Sinha Ray, A. VaradaRajulu. Structure and properties of poly (lactic acid)/Sterculiaurens uniaxial fabric biocomposites.Carbohydrate Polymers, 94 (2013) 822– 828.(IF:11.2)
- Physical, antifungal, and biodegradable properties of cellulose nanocrystals and chitosan nanoparticles for food packaging application. D.Dey,V.Dharini, S.P.Selvam,E.R.Sadiku, M.M. Kumar, J.Jayaramudu, U,N. Gupta, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021.(IF:2.59)
- B Mahanta, A Saikia, UN Gupta, P Saikia, BK Saikia, J Jayaramudu, PS Sellamuthu, ER Sadiku, Study of low-rank high sulfur coal fine with biomass, Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry,3, 100023, 2020. (IF:5.66)
- Reshma B Nambiar, Periyar SelvamSellamuthu, AnandBabuPerumal, Emmanuel RotimiSadiku, Goitse Phiri, J Jayaramudu, Characterization of exopolysaccharide produced by Lactobacillus plantarum HM47 isolated from human breast milk, Process Biochemistry, 73, 15-22 , 2018.(IF: 4.885)
- M. Sagar, K. Nibedita, N Manohar, K. Raj Kumar, S. Suchismita, A. Pradnyesh, A Babul Reddy, E RotimiSadiku, U.N. Gupta, P. Lachit, J. Jayaramudu, A potential utilization of end-of-life tyres as recycled carbon black in EPDM rubber. Waste Management, 74,110-122, 2018.(IF: 8.816)
- J. Jayaramudu,A. Maity, E.R. Sadiku, B.R. Guduri, A. VaradaRajulu, CH.V.V. Ramana, R. Li,Structure and properties of new naturalcellulose fabrics from Cordia dichotoma. Carbohydrate Polymers, 86, 2011, 1623-1629.(IF:11.2)
- N. Manohar , J. Jayaramudu, S. Suchismita, K. Rajkumar, A. Babul Reddy, E.R. Sadiku, R. Priti, D.J. Maurya. A unique application of the second order derivative of FTIR-ATR spectra for compositional analyses of natural rubber and polychloroprene rubber and their blends. Polymer Testing, 62, 447-453, 2017.(IF: 4.931)
- J.Jayaramudu, G.Babu Rao and A.VaradaRjulu. Characterization of New Natural Cellulosic Fabric Grewiatilifolia. Carbohydrate Polymers, 79, (2010), 847–851.(IF:11.2)
- AnandBabu. P, Periyar Selvam. S, Reshma B. N, Emmanuel R. S, Goitse P., Jayaramudu. J. Effects of multiscale rice straw (Oryzasativa) as reinforcing filler in montmorillonite-polyvinyl alcohol biocomposite packaging film for enhancing the storability of postharvest mango fruit (Mangiferaindica L.).Applied Clay Science, 158,1-10,2018.(IF: 5.907)
- Jayaramudu J, Jeevan Preshd Reddy. D, Rajkumar. K, Manohar .N, Suchismita. S, Siva Mohan Reddy .G, Babul Reddy. A, S.S. Ray &E. RotimiSadiku. Recycled polypropylene/boehmite alumina nanocomposites:enhanced structure, thermal and mechanical properties. International journal of advanced research, 5(1), 1021-1028, 2017.(IF: 7.337)
- R. Dunne, D. Desai, R. Sadiku, J. Jayaramudu. A review of natural fibres, their sustainability and automotive applications. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 13, 1041-1050, 2016.(IF:3.1)
- B. P. Reddy Jeevan Prasad Reddy, J. Jayaramudu , K. Obi reddy, A. V. Rajulu. Characterization naturally woven Hildegardia fabric reinforced soy protein isolate biodegradable composites, Bulletin of Trends in Chemical Sciences .1,1,1-8, 2016.(IF:1.74)
- J. Jayaramudu,S.C. Agwuncha, S.S. Ray, RotimiSadiku , A. VaradaRajulu. Study on chemical resistance and mechanical properties of natural fabric reinforced woven polyalthiacerasoides-glass hybrid epoxy composites. Advanced Materials Letters. 6 (2), 114-119, 2015.(IF: 2.4)
- Stephen C. Agwuncha, J. Jayaramudu, Caroline hoathane, RotimiSadiku, Suprakas Sinha Ray. Influence of BoehmiteNanoparticle Loading on the Mechanical, Thermal and Rheological Properties of Biodegradable Polylactide/Poly(ε-caprolactone) Blends. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, [Featured in journal front cover page]. 300,31–47, 2015.(IF:4.402)
- K.Obi Reddy, X. Guangmei, C. Uma, B. Ashok, J. Jayaramudu, J. Zhang, A. VaradaRajulu. Preparation and Properties of Biodegradable Spent Tea Leaf Powder/Poly(propylene carbonate) composite films. International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 20 (4), 377-387, 2015. (IF: 2.583)
- B. Aderibigbe, E. Sadiku, S.S. Ray, S; X. Mbianda, M. Fotsing, J. Jayaramudu, S. Owonubi .Synthesis, Characterization and the Release Kinetics of Antiproliferative Agents from Polyamidoamine Conjugates. Journal of Microencapsulation, 32 (5), 432-442, 2015.(IF:4.034)
- B. A. Aderibigbe, E. R. Sadiku, J. Jayaramudu, S. S. Ray. Controlled dual release study of curcumin and a 4-aminoquinoline analogue from gum acacia containing hydrogels. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, 132, 41613-41623.(IF:3.057)
- Sethuraman Gayathri, O. S. Nirmal Ghosh, S. Sathishkumar, P. Sudhakara,J. Jayaramudu, S. S. Ra and A. Kasi Viswanath.Investigation of physicochemical properties of Ag doped ZnO nanoparticles prepared by chemical route. Appl. Sci. Lett. 1(1), 8-13, 2015,(IF:4.153)
- C.E. Maepa,J. Jayaramudu,J.O. Okonkwo, S. S. Ray, E. R. Sadiku, J.Ramontja.Extraction and characterization of natural cellulose fibers from the maize tassel.International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 99-109, 2015. (IF: 2.583)
- B. A. Aderibigbe, S. J. Owonubi, J. Jayaramudu, and E. R. Sadiku. Targeted Drug Delivery Potential of Hydrogel Biocomposites Containing Partially and Thermally Reduced Graphene Oxide and Natural Polymers Prepared via Green Process. Colloid and Polymer Science, 293, 2, 409-420, 2015.(IF:2.434)
- J. Jayaramudu, G. Siva Mohan Reddy, K. Varaprasad, E. R. Sadiku, S. Sinha Ray, A. VaradaRajulu. Mechanical properties of Uniaxial Natural Fabric Grewiatilifolia Reinforced Epoxy Based Composites: Effects of Chemical Treatment. Fibers and Polymers, 15, 7, 1462-1468. 2014,(IF:2.347)
- Shittu T. A, Jayaramudu. J, Sivakumar D, Sadiku E. R. Some physicochemical and engineering properties of a nanocomposite film based on chitosan and pseudoboehmite alumina. Food and Bioprocess Technology: An International Journal, 2014, (7), 2423-2433.(IF:5.581)
- J.Jayarumudu, Kunal Das, M. Sonakshi, Siva Mohan reddy, Suprakas Sinha Ray, E.R Rotimi, Dagangliu. Mechanical, Thermal and Morphological Properties of highly toughened Biodegradable Polylactide/ZnO Composite films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2014, 428-434.(IF: 8.2)
- G. Siva Mohan Reddy, J. Jayaramudu, E. R. Sadiku , S. Shina Ray , K. Varaprasad, B. A. Aderibigbe. Application of cross-linked soy protein isolate with resorcinol films for release studies of naturally occuring bioactive agent with antiproliferative activity. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 2014, 24 (1), 86-91.(IF:5.062)
- K. Varaprasad, G. Siva Mohan Redday, J. Jayaramudu, RotimiSadiku, K. Ramam, S. Sinha Ray. Development of microbial resistant carbopol nanocomposite hydrogels via green process. Biomaterials Science, 2014, 2 (2), 257-263. (IF: 7.59)
- G. Ramachandra Reddy, Mala Ashok Kumar, J. Jayaramudu. Biodegradable Sansevieriacylindrica Tamarind fruit fiber based Polymer hybrid composites on characterization. International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy. 20, (2014) 116-128.(IF:0.876).
- J. Jayaramudu, G. Siva Mohan Reddy, K. Varaprasad, E. R. Sadiku.Preparation and Properties of Biodegradable Films from Sterculiaurens short fiber/Cellulose green composites.Carbohydrate Polymers,93 (2013) 622– 627.(IF:11.2)
- J. Jayaramudu, G. Siva Mohan Reddy, K. Varaprasad, E. R. Sadiku. Effect of Alkali Treatment on the Morphology, Tensile Properties of Cordia dichotomafabric/polycarbonate Composites. Advances in Polymer Technology, 32, (2013), 21349-21354. (IF:3.1).
- G. Siva Mohan Reddy, T. Narasimhaswamy, J. Jayaramudu, K. Mohana Raju, RotimiSadiku, S. Sinha Ray.A New Series of Two-Ring-Based Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers: Synthesis and MesophaseCharacterization.Journal: Australian Journal of Chemistry, 66(6), (2013), 667-675. (IF: I.224)
- SonakshiMaiti,J. Jayaramudu, Kunal Das, Siva Mohan Reddy, RotimiSadiku, Suprakas Sinha Ray, Dagangliu. Preparation and characterization of nano-cellulose with new shape from different Precursor. Carbohydrate Polymers, 98,(2013), 562-567. (IF:11.2)
- K. Varaprasad, G. Siva Mohan Redday, J. Jayaramudu, RotimiSadiku, K. Ramam, S. Sinha Ray.Novel inorganic hydrogels for biomedical applications. Institute of electrical and electronics engineers (IEEE), ISBN: 978-1-4673-5150-8. (IEEE) (2013).(IF: 14.91)
- CH.V.V. Ramana, M.K. Moodely,V. Kannan ,A. Maity , J. Jayaramudu, W. Clarke.Fabrication of stable low voltage organic bistable memory device, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 161, (2012), 684–688.(IF:9.221)
- CH.V.V.Ramana,J. Jayaramudu, RotimiSadiku, S.S.Rayand Rhee, Dielectric properties of polycarbonate coated natural fabric Grewiatilifolia.Journal:institute of electrical and electronics engineers, ISBN: 978-1-4577-2146-5, IEEE,2012.
- J. Jayaramudu, G.Babu Rao and A.VaradaRajulu. Tensile Properties of polycarbonate-coated Natural Fabric Grewiatilifolia. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 29, (2010), 1006-1008.(IF:3.1)
- J. Jayaramudu, D.Jagadeesh, B. R. Guduri and A.VaradaRajulu.Tensile and Thermal Parameters of Natural Fabrics and Polymer Coating Effect on Hildegardia Fabric. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 29, (2010), 1664-1668. (IF:3.1)
- J. Jayaramudu,CH.V. V. Ramana and A.VaradaRajulu. Electrical and Dielectric Properties of New Natural Cellulosic Fabric Grewiatilifolia. Journal Sensors & Transducers, (ISSN: 1726-5479),113, (2010), 167-176.
- CH.V.V. Ramana,J.Jayaramudu, D. Jeevan Prasad Reddy, K. Madhusudhana Rao and A.VaradaRajulu. Admittance, conductance, reactance and susceptance of new natural fabric Grewiatilifolia. Journal Sensors & Transducers,(ISSN: 1726-5479),119, (2010), 115-222.
- CH.V.V.Ramana, M.Ashok Kumar, S. Narsinga Rao, J. JayaramuduandRhee. Design and development of embedded based system for the measurement of dielectric constant spectroscopy for liquids. Journal Sensors & Transducers, (ISSN: 1726-5479),120, (2010) 162-170.
- J. Jayaramudu, G.Babu Rao and A.VaradaRajulu.Tensile properties of polymethyl methacrylate coated natural fabric Sterculiaurens. Materials Letters 63, (2009), 812–814.(IF: 3.574)
- J. Jayaramudu, D. Jeevan Prasad Reddy, G.Babu Rao and A.VaradaRajulu. Tensile Properties of Polycarbonate Coated Natural Fabric SterculiaUrens: Effect of Coupling Agent. Iranian Polymer Journal 18, (2009), 693-701.[Featured in journal front cover page].(IF: 3.1)
- J. Jayaramudu, G.Babu Rao and A.VaradaRajulu. Characterization of Natural Fabric Sterculiaurens. International Journal of Polymer Anal. Charact 14, (2009), 115–125.(IF: 2.583)
- J. Jayaramudu, K. Obi Reddy, C. Uma Maheswari, D. Jeevan Prasad Reddy and A.VaradaRajulu. Tensile Properties and Thermal Degradation Parameters of PolyalthiaCerasoides Natural Fabric Reinforcement. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 28, (2009), 2177-2181. (IF:3.1)
- J. Jayaramudu, D. Jeevan Prasad Reddy, B. R. Guduri, and A.VaradaRajulu. Properties of Natural Fabric PolyalthiaCerasoides. Fibers and Polymers 10, (2009), 338-342. (IF: 2.347)
- G. Rastogi, J.Jayaramudu, U. N. Gupta, P. Pahari, M. Bordoloi, Transition Metal Based Heterogeneous Catalyst for the Production of Plasticizer Dioctyl terephthalate (DOTP)- petrochemical) from Waste Bottle Made of Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), App. No: 202011035841, 2021.
- G. Siva Mohan Reddy, K. Varaprasad, J. Jayaramudu, RotimiSadiku, S. Sinha Ray, A Novel biologically active regenerated cellulose-silver nanocomposite films (RCSNF) for superior antibacterial applications. F.No: 2012/06857, 2013
Book Chapters(Most Recent )
Total No. of Book Chapters: 17
- Introduction to Sustainable Manufacturing, Hrishikesh Dutta & Jayaramudu Jarugala, Springer Nature ISBN:978-981-99-0201-9, 2023.
- Strategies to Improve the Micro-electrical Discharge Machining Performance of CFRP, Hrishikesh Dutta , PubbaliChetia& Jayaramudu Jarugala, eBook ISBN: 9781003343912,2023, CRC Press, Taylor, and Francis.
- Morphological Characterization of Bio-nanocomposites, Dipjyoti Bora SivanjineyuluVeluri, UpendraNath Gupta, Emmanuel RotimiSadiku, A Babul Reddy, J Jayaramudu, Springer Nature, ISBN: 9811685770, 789811685774, 2022.
- Chitin- and Chitosan-Based Biocomposites for Food Packaging Applications, Fabrication of Bionanocomposites from Chitin, Seema A Kulkarni, V Dharini, S Periyar Selvam, M Mahesh Kumar, Emmanuel RotimiSadiku, J Jayaramudu, UpendraNath Gupta, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, U.K., ISBN:1000025195, 2020
- Biological, Biomedical, and Medical Applications of Graphene and Graphene‐Based Materials (G‐bMs), Handbook of Graphene Set: Growth, Synthesis and Functionalization, E.R. Sadiku O. Agboola I.D. Ibrahim T. Jamiru B.R. Avabaram ,J.Jayaramudu et al., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN: 9781119459903, 2019.
- Synthesis of Bio-Based and Eco-Friendly Nanomaterials for Medical and BioMedical Applications. Green Biopolymers and their Nanocomposites, E. R. Sadiku, O.Agboola, Idowu David Ibrahim, AbbavaramBabu Reddy, M. Bandla, P. N. Mabalane, Williams KehindeKupolati, J. Jayaramudu et al. Publisher: Springer, ISBN:978-981-13-8062-4, PP 283-312, 2019.
- Nanotechnology in Paints and Coatings, R.Sadiku, O.Agboola, I.D.Ibrahim, P.A.Olubambi, A.BabulReddy, Jayaramudu J et al., Advanced Coating Materials, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA,2018.
- Polyhydroxyalkanoates as scaffolds for tissue engineering, ER Sadiku, VO Fasiku, SJ Owonubi, E Mukwevho, BA Aderibigbe, Jayaramudu.J, Y Lemmer, BR et al., Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN 9781536134391, 2018.
- Natural Rubber Nanoblends: Preparation, Characterization, and Applications. O. SivaramanNirmal Ghosh, S Gayathri, P Sudhakara, SK Misra, J. Jayaramudu, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
- Liquid Crystalline Polymers: Processing and Applications. G. Siva Mohan Reddy,J. Jayaramudu, S. S. Rayand E. RotimiSadiku; Editor(s):Thakur, Vijay Kumar; Kessler & Michael R. Springer Publication .2016.
- Natural rubber nanoblends: Preparation, Characterisation and Applications.S. NirmalGhosh, P. Sudhakara, J. Jayaramudu, S. Gayathri. published by Springer, Germany,2016.
- Polyethylene Terephthalate-Based Blends: Natural Rubber and Synthetic Rubber, Emmanuel RotimiSadikuAbbavaram Babul Reddy, Goddeti Siva Mohan Reddy, Jarugala Jayaramudu, KunchamSudhakar, BandlaManjula, Suprakas Sinha Ray, Publisher: Elsevier Publication, 75-98, 2016.
- Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Nanostructured Polymer Blends, Emmanuel RotimiSadiku A. Babul Reddy, G. Siva Mohan Reddy, V. Sivanjineyulu, J. Jayaramudu, K. Varaprasad, Elsevier Publication 385-411,2016.
- Immiscible Polymer Blends Stabilized with Nanophase, G.M. Raghavendra S.C. Agwuncha, S.J. Owonubi, E. RotimiSadiku, J. Jayaramudu, R.D.S. Zwane, B. Manjula,, V.O. Ojijo, B.A. Aderibigbe, Elsevier Publication 215-237,2016.
- Aerogels and Foamed Nanostructured Polymer Blends, Emmanuel RotimiSadiku K. Sudhakar, N. Naryana Reddy, J. Jayaramudu, A. Babul Reddy, B. Manjula, Elsevier Publication 75-99,2016.
- Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers: Advances and Applications, G Siva Mohan Reddy, J Jayaramudu, SS Ray, K Varaprasad, E RotimiSadiku , Springer Publication ,389-415, 2015.
- Significances of Nanostructured Hydrogels for Valuable Applications, Siva Mohan Reddy G, Varaprasad. K, Jayaramudu J. Elsevier Publication, 273–298, 2014.
Awards and Fellowships
- Cited in Marquis Who’s Who in the World 2014.
- The National Research Foundation (NRF), Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) Post-doctoral Fellowship Awards for 2014.
- Cited in Marquis Who’s Who in the World 2012.
- Junior Research Fellow in 2010 – 2007from University grant commission (UGC),