Name | : | Dr Binoy K Saikia |
Designation | : | Principal Scientist |
Qualification | : | Ph.D.(Chemistry) |
Contact Details | : | Coal and Energy Division, CSIR-North East institute of Science & Technology, Jorhat-785006, Assam, India |
Email id | : | bksaikia@gmail.com, bksaikia@neist.res.in |

Research Interest
- Energy and Environment
- Chemistry & Technology of Coal
- Atmospheric aerosols and air pollution
- Carbon nano-materials
- Process Chemistry
- Development of hybrid battery power module with indigenously developed super-capacitor and Li-ion cell. (GPP-0364).
- Development of Graphene Super-Capacitors using Northeastern coal for power applications. (GPP-0383).
- Carbonaceous materials for energy application and environmental consequences in modern urbanization. (CSIR)
- National Carbonaceous Aerosols Programme (NCAP) Working Group-III: Carbonaceous Aerosol Emissions, Source apportionment and Climate Impacts. (GPP-0325).
- A comprehensive approach in understanding the acid mine drainage problem of Makum coalfield and its management. (GPP-0364).
- Probing the Changing Atmosphere and it Impacts in Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) and Himalayan Region. (NETWORK PSC0112).
- Development of feasibility assessment model for adaptation of underground coal gasification technology in the North-East Region of India. (GAP 0261).
- Development of technology to produce clean coal from high ash and high sulphur Indian Coal. (GAP-0249).
List of Publications (Most Recent Ten)
Total No. of Publications: 145
- K. Tibrewal, C. Venkataraman, H. Phuleria, V. Joshi, S. Maithel, A. Damle, A. Gupta, P. Lokhande, S. Rabha, B. K. Saikia, S. Roy, G. Habib, S. Rathi, A. Goel, S. Ahlawat, T. K. Mandal, M. Azharuddin Hashmi, A. Qureshi, A. Dhandapani, J. Iqbal, S. Devaliya, R. S. Raman, Y. Lian, G. Pandithurai, S. K. Kuppili, M. Shiva Nagendra, S. Mukherjee, A. Chatterjee, T. A. Najar, A. Jehangir, J. Singh, B. Sinha, Reconciliation of energy use disparities in brick production in India. Nature Sustainability, 2023. (IF: 27.7)
- N. Bhuyan,N. Islam, M. Saikia,J. C. Hower, B. K. Saikia*, Geochemical and mineralogical evaluations of coal, shale, and mine waste overburden from Makum coalfield of the Northeast India. International Journal of Coal Science & Technology 2023,10 (1), 44. (IF: 8.3)
- A. Boruah, S. Bora, A. Thakur*, H. S. Dutta, B. K. Saikia*, Solid-State Phosphors from Coal-Derived Carbon Quantum Dots. ACS Omega, 2023, 8 (28), 25410-25423. (IF: 4.1)
- M. Saikia, A. Singh, A. Dihingia, P. Khare, J. Kalita, B. K. Saikia*, Scalable production, cell toxicity assessment, and plant growth promotion activities of carbon quantum dots derived from low-quality coal feedstock. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 433, 133633. (IF: 15.1)
- A. Boruah, K. Roy, A. Thakur, S. Haldar, R. Konwar, P. Saikia, B. K. Saikia*, Biocompatible Nanodiamonds Derived from Coal Washery Rejects: Antioxidant, Antiviral, and Phytotoxic Applications. ACS Omega, 2023, 8 (12), 11151-11160. (IF: 4.1)
- S. Rabha, N. Islam, B. K. Saikia*, G. K. Singh, A. M. Qadri, V. Srivastava, T. Gupta, Year-long evaluation of aerosol chemistry and meteorological implications of PM2.5 in an urban area of the Brahmaputra Valley, India. Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 2023, 3 (1), 196-206. (IF: 3.4)
- N. Islam, M. Bora, M. Saikia, A. Boruah, K. Roy, R. Konwar, B. K. Saikia*, Environmental evaluation of carbon dot and fullerene formation in atmospheric particulate matter (PM10): observations from their free radical scavenging and electrochemical studies. Environmental Science: Nano, 2023, 10 (1), 311-324. (IF: 7.3)
- J. Tamuly, D. Bhattacharjya and B. K. Saikia*, Low-Grade Coal Feedstock for the Synthesis of High-Valued Graphene Derivatives for Energy Storage Application, Energy & Fuels, 2023, 37, 3260-3271. (IF: 5.3)
- S. Rabha, K. S. V. Subramanyam, S. S. Sawant, B. K. Saikia*, Rare-Earth Elements and Heavy Metals in Atmospheric Particulate Matter in an Urban Area. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2022, 6 (7), 1725-1732. (IF: 3.4)
- N. Islam and B. K. Saikia*, An overview on atmospheric carbonaceous particulate matter into carbon nanomaterials: A new approach for air pollution mitigation, Chemosphere, 2022, 303, 135027. (IF: 8.8)
Published as Book/Boor chapters
- Advances in Applied Chemistry and Industrial Catalysis, Editor: Binoy K Saikia, CRC Press, September, 2022, ISBN 9781032311968
- “Atmospheric Aerosols: Properties, Sources and Detection”, Nova Publisher, USA, Editor: Dr Binoy K Saikia, August, 2022, ISBN: 979-8-88697-211-5
- Monikankana Saikia, Binoy K Saikia.Carbon Dots Derived from Natural Carbon Sources: Preparation, Chemical Functionalization, Characterization, and Applications, All-carbon Composites and Hybrids, RSC Publications, 2021, 142-172. (ISBN: 978-1-83916-176-6).
- Shahadev Rabha, Binoy K Saikia. Advanced micro-and nanoscale characterization techniques for carbonaceous aerosols, Handbook of Nanomaterials in Analytical Chemistry, Elsevier publication,2020, 449-472. (ISBN: 978-0-12-816699-4).
- Binoy K Saikia, A Saikia, B P Baruah, Nature and Chemistry of Coal and Its Products, In: Coal Production and Processing Technology", CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, UK. (ISBN 9781482252170)
- Binoy K Saikia, B P Baruah, Chemical desulphurization and deashing of high organic sulphur Indian coals, In Energy Science and Technology: Coal Energy (Vol.2) (Eds: Sharma, Prasad and Sivakumar), 2015, Studium Press LLC. (ISBN: 1-62699-061-1 / 1-62699-063-8).
- Binoy K Saikia, Rajani K Boruah, X-Ray Structural Analysis of Some Indian Coals, Proceedings of the International Conference on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering-2009; American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings, 2010, Volume 1202, pp. 112-116; ISBN: 978-0-7354-0739-8
- B P Baruah, Binoy K Saikia, Pranjal Gogoi, P Kotoky, P G Rao, Acid Mine Drainage in Indian coal Industry, Proc. Of International seminar on Mineral Processing Technology, (MPT-04), 2004, RRL, Bhubneswar, India, p809-817; ISBN: 81-7764-599-4
- Binoy K Saikia, Some Aspects of Structural Investigation of Assam (India) Coal, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2010; ISBN: 978-3838392790
Awards and Fellowships
- Assam Saurabh (second highest civilian award of Govt. of Assam) from the Honorable Governor in 2023 for significant contributions in generating interest in science education and research in Assam.
- Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize-2021 in Science & Technology given by CSIR, Govt. of India for the outstanding contributions to indigenous technology development for carbon quantum dots.
- Included among the top 2% most Influential scientists worldwide in the category of Energy for the year 2020-2022 (based on the Scopus publications impact) made by Stanford University.
- Included among top 100 Asian Scientists in 2022 by Asian Scientist Magazine, Singapore.
- Achievers Award-2022 on “Science & Innovation” from Mr. Om Birla ji, the Honorable Speaker, Lok Sabha.
- Included in the list of 100 notable Indian scientists by "Tell Me Why" book series published by Malayala Manorama Group publications, July issue, 2022.
- Prof. (Dr.) MP Singh memorial coal science award-2019 from The Mining, Geological & Metallurgical Institute of India (MGMI) for outstanding contribution to coal science and technology.
- Dr R P Bhatnagar Award (2015-16) from The Mining, Geological & Metallurgical Institute of India (MGMI) for outstanding contribution to mineral beneficiation.
- IIME Coal & Mineral Beneficiation Award (Academic/Industry) 2015 by Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers.
- “TAMOTIA Award-2016” for the best paper published in the category of “Mineral processing and environmental issues” from IIME (National Award). (Rs. 1000/-)
- MESA Award -2014 by Mineral Engineering Science Association of India (MESA).
- Best paper award in the category of “Award for Honorable Mention Technical Paper” in International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, University of Pittsburgh, USA, 2015.
- Young Scientist Award from International Union for Crystallography to attend International Conference on Neutron and X-ray Scattering 2009 (ICNX 2009) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Fellowships and memberships
- Fellow of Geological Society of India (FGS)
- Fellow Member of Mining Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India (MGMI).
- Life member of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE).
- Senate Member of Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR).
- PAC member of DST-SERB (Earth & Atmospheric Science) for 2022-2024.
- PAC member of DST-INSPIRE fellow (Earth & Atmospheric Science) for 2022-2024.
- Member of the Research Committee of The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP), USA.
- Council member of Society of Geoscientists and Allied Technologists (SGAT).
- Academic Council member, Assam Kaziranga University.
- Fellow of Indian Social Science Academy, Prayagraj.
- Technical Committee Member of International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD), USA.
- Life Member of Indian Crystallographic Association, India.
- Fellow of Institution of Chemist (India).
- Member of Indian Science Congress Association.
- Life member of Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers.
- Life member of Materials Research Society of India.
- Life Member of Assam Science Society, India.
- Member of International X-ray Absorption Society, Italy.
- Honorary Fellow member, Rotary International Club
Editors of Journals
- Editorial board member of International Journal Oil, Gas and Coal Technology (Inderscience publisher).
- Guest Editor and Editorial board member of International Journal of Coal Science & Technology (Springer).
- Consulting Editor of Energy and Emission Control Technologies. (Dove Medical Press)
- Associate Editor of “REVISTA DE CIENCIAS AMBIENTAIS”, an electronic biannual Journal in English and Portuguesa published from Brazil.
- Editorial board member of International Journal of Geology, Earth and Environmental Sciences.
- Recognized Reviewer of reputed and SCI Journals in the area of Coal, Energy and Fuel such as Fuel, Energy & Fuel, Environmental Science & Technology, Fuel Processing Technology, Powder Technology, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry etc.
Appreciations received
- Appreciations are received from Honorable Vice-President, Honorable Governor (Assam), Honorable Speaker-Lok Sabha, Honorable Ministers of Govt of Assam and India for my significant contribution towards S&T.
- Certificate of appreciation by American Chemical Society (ACS) for the contribution to the American Chemical Society journals, USA during 2011-12.
- Certificate of appreciation by Academic Journals, Nigeria for the contribution and services during 2010-12.
- Selected for inclusion in the Marquis Who's Who in the World-2009-2012, USA.
Invited Guest/Invited Talk/Invited Expert/Radio Talk
- Delivered invited science talk to the students and faculties of reputed organizations like IIT, Universities of NER, ISRO, CSIR, ASTEC, SCERT, Engineering colleges.
- Delivered science talk to American Chemical Society in which about 800 participants from 61 countries were participated.
- Act as expert member to DST and CSIR project evaluation bodies.
- Act as Resource Person in National Children Science Congress (Jorhat district) in the area of Energy.
- Invited talk on “Coal-derived Nano-structured Materials: A new avenue” at Kaziranga University, Jorhat on 02/06/2016
- Invited talk on “Clean Coal Technology Initiatives at CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat”, In: Continuing Education Programme (CEP) at DRL, Tezpur on 12 November 2014.
- Participated as Expert in “Scientist Face to face to school children” at National Children Science Congress-2014, Doomdooma Girls High School, Assam.
- Participated as Expert in “Scientist Face to face to School children” at Science motivational program 26-31 May 2014, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam
- Participated as Expert to evaluate the science projects (Senior & Junior) submitted to Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV)-Regional level Science Congress under ‘National Children Science Congress’ (NCSC-2012) held at KV-Cinnamora, Jorhat on 05/11/2012
- Participated as Expert to evaluate the science projects (Senior & Junior) submitted ‘National Children Science Congress’ (NCSC-2015) of Jorhat district held at Kakodonga, Jorhat.
- Radio talk on “coal and environment issues” in All India Radio, Jorhat.