Name | : | Dr. Dipul Kalita |
Designation | : | Sr Scientist |
Qualification | : | Ph. D (Agri), PGD in Env. Sci. |
Contact Details | : | Cellulose Pulp and Paper Division CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat-785006 |
Email id | : | dipulkalita@neist.res.in, dipulklta@gmail.com |

Research Interest
- Fibre Science and Technology
- Composite & Building Materials
- Pulp & Paper
- Completed: 1. Utilization of coir fibre for development of wood substitute building and furnishing material in the North Eastern Region of India. Project funded by Coir Board, Min. of Small & Micro enterprises, Govt. of India, Alppuazha-688522. (2006-2009) 2. Synthesis of novel composite materials utilizing coir fibre for engineering application. Funded by COIR BOARD, Min. of Small & Micro enterprises. Govt. of India, Alppuazha-688522 (2010-2014) 3. To develop a process of nonglossy borer resistant polymeric composition suitable for application on various bamboo and cane articles. Funded by Department of Science and Technology, (Government of India), Technology Bhavan, New Delhi-110016 (2011-2014)
- Ongoing: 1. Development of green composites by utilizing agricultural waste for building materials, construction, furniture and other applications. Funded by Sathguru Consultant Pvt Ltd. Hyderabad (Feb, 2014-July, 2014).
- A Device for Casting of Cellulosic Pulp Material in Hollow Cylindrical form Jayanta Jyoti Bora, Dipul Kalita, Tridip Goswami, Subodh Chandra Kalita, Pinaki Sengupta, Paruchuri Gangadhar Rao, Re No. 0155NF2009 29th Oct, 2009, 0137DEL2010
List of Publications (Most Recent Ten)
Total No. of Publications: 28
- Anwesha Maity, Dipul Kalita, Nijhuma Kayal, Jiten Ghosh, Tridip Goswami, Omprakash Chakrabarti and Paruchuri Gangadhar Rao Microstructural and mechanical characterization of biomorphic SiC ceramics synthesized from coir fibreboard perform Materials Science & Engineering A 565 (2013) 72-79 (IF-2.003)
- A Maity, D Kalita, N Kaya , T Goswami, O P Chakrabarti and P G Rao Synthesis of biomorphic SiC ceramics from coir fibreboard preform Ceramics International, 2012, 38 6873–6881 (IF-1.751)
- A Maity, D Kalita, N Kayal, T Goswami, OP Chakravorty & PG Rao Oxidation behaviour of SiC ceramics synthesized from processed cellulosic biopercursores Ceramics International 2012, 38, 4701-4706 (IF-1.751)
- Anwesha Maity, Dipul Kalita, Tarun Kumar Kayal, Tridip Goswami, Omprakash Chakrabarti, Himadri Sekhar Maiti, Paruchuri Gangadhar Rao Synthesis of SiC ceramics from processed cellulosic bio-precursor Ceramics International 2010, 36(1), 323-331 (IF-1.751)
- Dipul Kalita Hydrocarbon Plant - New source of energy for future Renewable & Sustainable Energy Review 2008, 12(2), 455-471, (IF-6.018)
- T Goswami, Dipul Kalita, S K Ghosh, P G Rao Utilization of banana fibre for making certain specialty paper board using eco friendly process IPPTA Journal, 2006, 18 (2), 39-43
- Kalita, D., Saikia, C.N. Chemical constituents and energy content of some latex bearing plants 2004 Bioresource Technology 92 (3), pp. 219-227 (IF-5.018)
- Dipul Kalita Pollution by agricultural chemicals and their management Chemical Weekly, 2006, June 13, 207-217
- T Goswami, Dipul Kalita, P G Rao Utilization of certain weed species useful for pulp and cordage industries Souvenir of the All India Seminar on Environmental management in developing countries 2006, 61-69
- T Goswami, Dipul Kalita, P G Rao Greaseproof paper from Banana (Musa paradasica) plant. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, Vol. 15, September 2008, pp. 457-461, (IF0.987)
Awards and Fellowships
- National Merit Scholarship
- University Merit Scholarship
- I.C.A.R. Junior Fellowship
- National Eligibility Test (ASRB) Qualified
- Senior Research Fellowship of CSIR
- Research Associateship of CSIR
- Indian Expert of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to visit Sri Lanka