Planning & Project Monitoring (PPM) Group basically involved in the management of the institute’s externally funded R&D projects. Contract R & D viz. Sponsored, Collaborative and Grant-in-Aid Projects; and Consultancy projects are undertaken by the Institute with funding from External Agencies. PPM is the main centre for appropriate dissemination of information regarding externally funded projects to the management and as well as the concerned Scientists.
This group keep track on the expenditure, budget allocations of all externally funded and upload the details of receipt & expenditure in PPM portal so that the fund position of a given project is readily accessible by concerned PI and management for effective management.
PPM regularly carries out activities for the payment of service tax accrued from the various services rendered by the laboratory on monthly basis.
PPM oversees the management of the Annual Maintenance Contract of all the Computers and their peripherals in the Institute
Head of the Department

Ph.D(Life Sciences)
Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1110
jatinkalita@neist.res.in, kalitajk@yahoo.com
Ph : +91 0376-2370121extn 2341 Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest : Post harvest Biotechnology, Molecular Biology

ID. No. 1114
kalyani@neist.res.in, medhikalyani@gmail.com
Ph : +91 0376 2370117 extn. 2302 / Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest : R&D Planning & Management, Breeding and Molecular Genetics

M.C.A, M.B.A
ID. No. 1116
rajibdeka@neist.res.in, rajibdeka13@gmail.com
Ph.:+91 0376-2370121 ext 2311 / Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Areas of interest: Project Monitoring & Evaluation

M.C.A, M.B.A
ID. No. 1120
Ph.:+91 0376-2370121 ext 2311 / Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Areas of interest: Project Monitoring & Evaluation
Technical Officers

Technical Officer
ID. No. 1024
Ph : +91 0376 2370117 extn. 2302 / Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest: R&D Planning & Management
Support Staff

Lab. Attendant(1)
ID. No. 1216