Information & Business Development Group of CSIR-NEIST serves as a window of the Institute to the outside world and coordinate the overall business development activities of the laboratory. The group discharges the dual responsibility of maintaining liaison activities with the industrial houses, entrepreneurs, Govt. departments, private and public sector institutes etc., on the one side and disseminating the laboratory’s services, expertise and capabilities for economic and societal benefits of clients, customers and users on the other side. The group also makes efforts to consolidate the gains of laboratory’s R&D for helping the entrepreneurs/users who seek assistances from the laboratory for their desired goals and in that connection it is intimately involved in building a good corporate image and business reputation of the laboratory in the society.
The objectives of the group includes:
- Publication of in-house bulletins and periodicals like Annual Report, NEIST News (four-monthly), Highlights (Annually), Infowatch (weekly communication), Brochures, Reports, Write-ups, Press Releases, etc.
- Planning and organization of laboratory’s exhibitions, meetings, seminars, trainings, workshops, awareness programmes, technology demonstrations, press meets, etc.
- Business negotiations, drafting and signing of MoUs/Agreements for providing services such as release of know-how/ technology/ knowledgebase, consultancy, grant-in-aid, testing/analytical and technical services etc. and processing of approvals for the externally funded projects, national/international and inter-laboratory collaborations, etc.
- Processing of Patent applications and maintenance of Patent data of the Institute.
- Maintenance of R&D and related files of various R&D disciplines, registers and other records, database and their retrievals.
- Public relation and industrial liaison activities.
Head of the Department

B.Tech Biotechnology, MIPL
ID. No. 1112
ilix_z@yahoo.co.in, ilika@neist.res.in
Ph : 91-0376-2370139 extn 2306 / Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest: IPR, Technology Transfer & Business Development, Publications & Publicity, S&T and R&D data management.
Technical Officers

Diploma (Fine arts)
Principal Technical Officer
ID. No. 536
Ph : 91-0376-2370139 extn 2306 / Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest: Graphic Design, Exhibition, Public relation

Technical Assistant
ID. No. 1240
Ph : 91-0376-2370139 extn 2306 / Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Support Staff

Lab. Attendant(1)
ID. No. 1192

Lab. Attendant(1)
ID. No. 1236