শৈক্ষিক কাৰ্য্যক্ৰম |
গৱেষণাগত সুবিধাসমূহ |
টেণ্ডাৰ |
প্ৰাসংগিক লিংকসমূহ |
আৰটিআই |
ফটো গেলেৰী |
ৱেব-মেইল |
যোগাযোগ আৰু ঠিকনা |

Biological Science & Technology Division (BSTD) is a multi-disciplinary division of CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, which is dedicated for frontline research at the frontiers of modern biology research. With the highest standards of excellence in research, it ensures interdisciplinary partnerships that will transform the discoveries made through the dedicated study of basic biology into applied solutions to different challenges. The prime mission of the BSTD is to develop indigenous technologies from the enormous bio resources of North East India including plants, microbes and insects using modern tools & techniques of biotechnology.
The division covers the following areas:
- Exploration of medicinal, aromatic plants (for their conservation & multiplication along with development of package of practices.
- Development of high yielding varieties using conventional & molecular techniques.
- Molecular mechanism of plant-microbe interaction
- DNA fingerprinting & DNA Barcoding
- Applied microbiology for the production of various products
- Production of various plant growth promotion (PGP) related products
- Bioremediation of crude oil & coal mine polluted soil
- Enzymology and Biotransformation
- Muga/Seri-Biotechnology
- Exploration of bioactive molecules from microbes & their various applications
- Microbial taxonomy, genomics and metagenomics
- Genetic polymorphism study in human genes related to respiratory disorder.
- Value addition by product development
Other major important activities of the division includes environmental monitoring of pollutants, routine analysis of water, food & beverages and soil samples, Thus the division is actively engaged in both basic and applied research by highly experienced professional researchers in different frontier areas of biological sciences.
The division is poised to play an even greater role in defining national & global research initiatives in the areas of health, conservation of biodiversity and the environment through large-scale interdisciplinary collaborations with other divisions at CSIR-NEIST as well as the many research institutions. The division has a DBT-sponsored Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility (BIF) and DBT sponsored Institutional Biotech Hub which provides training, workshops and caters to the need of researchers and students communities on genomics, proteomics, application to the development of drugs/ drug designing, anti-microbial agents, microbial taxonomic data analysis, mathematical modelling/data analysis, etc.
The division has successfully executed and pursuing a good numbers of research projects funded by DBT, DST, CSIR, CSB, MoEF, DRDO, ICAR, ONGC, OIDB, Oil India Ltd etc. A number of technologies have been transferred to industries for commercialization leading to the societal benefit. The division has collaboration with a number of reputed national and international institutes/universities and conducts workshop and seminars regularly. The division enrol both foreign and Indian students regularly in PhD programme having brilliant academic credentials under different universities and in AcSIR (the Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research). Educational mission of BSTD extends to developing the complete person, not just the young scientist. We provide opportunities for our students to learn skills outside of the classroom and laboratory that will prepare them to succeed no matter what career path they choose to follow, skills in team leadership, team building, and communication. We invite you to explore our research strengths and the profiles of our faculty to get a flavour of the exciting research currently underway in the biological sciences at CSIR-NEIST.

পি এইছডি (জৈৱ প্ৰযুক্তি)
জ্যেষ্ঠ প্ৰধান বিজ্ঞানী
ID নম্বৰ : ১০৫৮
ratulsaikia@neist.res.in, rsaikia19@gmail.com
ফোন : +৯১ ০৩৭৬ ২৩৭০১২১, extn. ২৩৪৪ফেক্স : +৯১০৩৭৬-২৩৭০০১১
অভিজ্ঞ ক্ষেত্ৰসমূহ : বেক্টেৰিয়াৰ জিন’মিক, আণৱিক উদ্ভিদ-জীৱাণুৰ আন্তঃক্ৰিয়া