- Seismic hazard assessment in Northeastern India. (In-house program)
- On-line/ real time seismic network for disaster mitigation in NE India. (North Eastern Council sponsored, GAP-0142)
- Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of major cities in North East India. (North Eastern Council sponsored,GPP-0275)
- Setting up of the Multiparametric Geophysical Observatory for monitoring of Earthquake precursor in Mikir Hills Plateau, Assam. (Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi sponsored, GPP – 0294)
- Estimation of ground motion parameters in Shillong Mikir Hills Plateau from Acceleration time history of Earthquake events originated in NE India. (Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi sponsored, GPP-0300)
- Crustal Anisotropy studies for Shillong-Mikir Plateau with subsequent determination of velocity structure of NE India. (Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi sponsored GPP – 0302)
- Site characterization and seismic vulnerability studies of Greater Shillong. (Meghalaya State Disaster Management Authority, GPP – 0308)
- Crustal Movement and Lithospheric Deformation along Indian Plate Margin [Advanced Reasearch in Engineering & Earth Sciences: Data Intensive modeling and crowd sourcing approach (AriEES)] (CSIR Network project , ISC – 0301)
- Tectonic evolution of the mishmi thrust in mishmi metamorphic complex in eastern syntaxial bend with reference to morphotectonic and neotectonic implications in Arunachal Himalaya. (Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi sponsored )