Name | : | Dr. Santanu Baruah |
Designation | : | Sr. Scientist |
Qualification | : | M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Seismology) |
Contact Details | : | CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat-785006, Assam, India, Mob: +91 9435514805 |
Email id | : | santanub27@gmail.com,santanu@neist.res.in |

Research Interest
- Seismic Source Characterization, Tectonic Stress Field Analysis, Seismic Anisotropy, Ambient Noise Tomography, Earthquake Precursors etc.
- CSIR-Research Associate Project:
Geophysical Approach towards Earthquake Precursor Studies in the Shillong-Plateau Supplemented by Change in Focal Mechanism Solutions as a Precursory Phenomenon. (Duration: 04-04-2012 to 19-03-2014) - As a Project Member:
a) MoES, Govt. of India sponsored project entitled “Modelling of Earthquake Source and Ground motion in Chedrang Fault and its neighborhood through Broadband Instrumentation: An approach toward the estimation of Earthquake hazard in NER, India” for the period from 2007 to 2011.
b) Actively involved in the Bilateral Collaborative research program between Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi and Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow under Integrated Long Term Project (ILTP) entitled “Modeling and Estimation of Strong Ground Motion aimed at Seismic Risk Reduction”. (Contributing through publishing Research Papers)
c) Actively involved in the Bilateral Collaborative research program between Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi and Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow under Integrated Long Term Project (ILTP) entitled “Geological structure and source characterization of earthquake originated in NER, India through wave form modeling’’. (Contributing through publishing Research Papers)
d) Actively involved in the Indo-France Collaborative work on “Determination of Crustal Structure of Shillong Plateau and Mikir hills using tomo-DD technique”.
e) Project member of the project entitled “Seismic Vulnerability Assessment in the Major Cities of Northeastern India”, sponsored by NEC, Shillong, Meghalaya. (on-going)
f) Project member of the INDO-NORWEGIAN international project between CSIR-NEIST-Jorhat and NORSAR, Norway. (on going)
List of Publications (Most Recent Ten)
Total No. of Publications: 18
- Santanu Baruah, S. Saikia, S. Baruah, P. K. Bora, R. Tatevossian, J R Kayal 2014. “The September 2011 Sikkim Himalaya earthquake Mw 6.9: Is it a plane of detachement earthquake?” Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19475705.2014.895963.
- Santanu Baruah 2014. “Stress Tensor Inversion” Lecture Notes on Short Term Training Program on Computational Seismology focusing on “Computational Methods for Source Characterization and Stress Field Analysis” during 21-26 March, 2014, sponsored by Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India, New Delhi, held at CSIR-NEIST-Jorhat and published by CSIR-NEIST-Jorhat, pg. no. 77-95.
- Santanu Baruah, S. Baruah, and J. R. Kayal, 2013. “State of Tectonic Stress in Northeast India and Adjoining South Asia Region”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 103, No. 2A, pp. 894–910, April 2013, doi: 10.1785/0120110354.
- R. Biswas, Santanu Baruah, D. K. Bora, A. Kalita, and S. Baruah, 2013. “The Effects of Attenuation and Site on the Spectra of Microearthquakes in the Shillong Region of Northeast India”, Pure and Applied Geophysics, DOI 10.1007/s00024-012-0631-0 (published online on 03 January, 2013).
- O. Erteleva, F. aptikaev, S. Baruah, Santanu Baruah, S Deb, J Kayal 2013.”Seismic Treatment for a maximal credible earthquake in Guwahati city area of northeast India region, Natural Hazards, doi. 10.1007/s11069-013-0843-3.
- M. Devi, A. Kalita, Santanu Baruah, S. Baruah 2013. Prevaling stress pattern in Indo-Myanmar region derived from focal mechanism data using multiple inverse method & its depth variation. Int. J. Eng. ASc & Mgmt. Vol III, Isue II, pg 124-131.
- Santanu Baruah, A. Kalita, P Bora, 2013. “Earthquake—is it possible to predict”, Prantik, May 1-15, 2013, pg.23-25.
- Santanu Baruah, S. Baruah, P. K. Bora, R. Duarah, A. Kalita, R. Biswas, N. Gogoi, and J. R. Kayal, 2012. “Moment Magnitude (MW) and Local Magnitude (ML) Relationship for Earthquakes in Northeast India”, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 169 (2012), 1977–1988, DOI 10.1007/s00024-012-0465-9.
- J. R. Kayal, S. Arefiev, S. Baruah, D. Hazarika, N. Gogoi, J. Gautam, Santanu Baruah, C. Dorbath, R. Tatevossian, 2012. “Large and Great Earthquakes in the Shillong plteau-Assam valley area of Northeast India Region: Pop-up and transverse tectonics”, Tectonophysics, 532-535 (2012), pg. 186-192, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2012.02.007.
- J. R. Kayal, Santanu Baruah, Saurabh Baruah and Ruben Ttatevossian, 2012. “Is the Kopili fault vulnerable for an impending large earthquake in Northeast India?” , DCS-DST News, August 2012, pg. 2-5.
Awards and Fellowships
- CSIR-Research Associate fellowship by CSIR-Govt. of India in Earth Science Category for the year 2012.
- SSA-Membership (Complimentary) by Seismological Society of America, USA for the year 2013.
- Certificate of Appreciation for the period of 2012-13 by CSIR-North East Institute of Science & Technology, Jorhat, Assam for exemplary performance as a Research Associate.
- BEST ORAL PAPER award in a workshop on "Holistic Scientific Approach using Integrated Geophysical Studies for the Management of Natural Hazards” organized by Indian Geophysical Union and North Eastern Space Applications Centre (NESAC) at NESAC on 22-23 April, 2013.
- Certificate of Appreciation for the period of 2013-14 by CSIR-North East Institute of Science & Technology, Jorhat, Assam for exemplary performance as a Research Associate.
- Certificate of Appreciation for performing as a “Resource Person” in a Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India, New Delhi sponsored short term training program on “Computational Methods for Source Characterization and Stress Field Analysis” during 21-26th March, 2014 held at CSIR-NEIST-Jorhat.
- Complimentary three years AGU membership of American Geophysical Union through the Berkner Grant program from 2013-2016.
8. Reviewer of International Journals like Journal of Geodynamics (Elsevier Publication), Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (Elsevier Publication).