Name | : | Dr. Anil Kumar Singh |
Designation | : | Senior Scientist |
Qualification | : | Ph.D (Life sciences) Bose Institute, Kolkata, Post Doctoral Research Fellow, NECKER Institute, Paris, France |
Contact Details | : | +91-(0)376-2372951 +91-8876954752 |
Email id | : | anil@neist.res.in, 1010anil@gmail.com |

Research Interest
- Metabolic engineering
- Microbial Genetics and gene regulation
- Drug resistance & therapeutics
- Environmental microbiology
- Bacterial Genomics
- CSIR-Open Source Drug Discovery,CSIR-OSDD
List of Publications (Most Recent Ten)
Total No. of Publications: 21
- Anand A, Verama P, Singh AK, Kaushik S, Pandey R, Shi C, Kaur H, chawala M, Elechalawar CK, Kumar D, Yang Y, Bhavesh NS, Banerjee R, Dash D, Singh A, Natarajan VT, Ojha AK, Aldrich CC, Gokhale RS. (2015) Polyketide quinolones are intermediate electron carrier during mycobacterial respiration in oxygen-deficient niches. Molecular cell (In Press). (Impact factor: 15.05)
- Das D, Baruah R, Singh AK*, Deka Boruah HP, Borah M, Sarma Roy A, Kalita J and TC Bora. (2015) Complete genome sequence analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa N002 reveals its genetic adaptation for crude oil degradation. Genomics, 105: 182-90. (*As Co-Corresponding Author) (Impact factor: 2.9)
- Das D, Borah M, Das R, Singh AK, Deka Boruah HP. (2015) Molecular docking of phytochemical as FtsZ cell division protein inhibitor in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 6 (1): 463-472. (Impact factor: 2.44)
- Sarma Roy A, Barua R, Borah M, Singh AK, Deka Boruah, HP, Saikia N, Deka M, Dutta N, Bora TC. (2014) Soil microcosm study of crude oil degradation using native bacterial strains isolated from selected hydrocarbon contaminated sites of Assam, India. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 94: 79-89. (*As Co-Corresponding Author). (Impact factor: 2.4)
- Saikia P, Kaishap PP, Goswami J, Singh AK, Deka Boruah HP, Gogoi S, Boruah RC. (2014). Synthesis of steroidal/nonsteroidal vicinal heterocyclic alcohols, N-(1-cycloalkenyl) heterocycles and their antibacterial studies. Steroids Mar 28; 84C:36-45. (Impact factor: 2.8)
- Sarma Roy A, Baruah R, Gogoi D, Bora M, Singh AK* and Deka Boruah HP. (2013) Full genome sequence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain N002, isolated from crude oil contaminated soil from Geleky, Assam, India. Genome announcement, 1 (1): e00104-12. (*As Co-Corresponding Author). (Impact factor: Pending)
- Vats A, Singh AK*, Mukhjerjee R, Chopra T, Madhusudan R, Mohanty D, Chatterji D, Reyrat JM and Gokhale RS. (2012) Retrobiosynthesis approach delineates the biosynthetic pathway and the structure of the acyl chain of mycobacterial glycopeptidolipids. Journal of Biological Chemistry; 287(36): 30677-87 (*As first equal author). (Impact factor: 4.6)
- Cortes M, Singh AK, Reyrat JM, Gaillard JL, Nassif X, and Herrmann JL. (2011) Conditional Gene Expression in Mycobacterium abscessus. PLoS ONE; 6 (12): e29306. Epub 2011 Dec 15. (Impact factor: 3.5)
- Kocincova D, Singh AK, Euphrasie D, Beretti JL, Ren H, Liu J, Daffé M, Etienne G and Reyrat J-M. (2008) Spontaneous transposition of IS1096 or ISMsm3 leads to glycopeptidolipid overproduction and affects surface properties in Mycobacterium smegmatis. Tuberculosis, 88: 390-398. (Impact factor: 3.59)
- Singh AK, Halder R, Mandal D and Kundu M. (2006) Analysis of the topology of norM of Vibrio cholerae and identification of amino acids residues involved in norfloxacin resistance. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 50: 3717-3723. (Impact factor: 4.45)
Awards and Fellowships
- Selected for European Marie-Curie Fellowship (MC-IIF) (2009-2011).
- Selected for Postdoctoral fellowship of AXA Research Fund, Paris, France (2008-2009) (AXA Research fund selects 30 young researchers from all over world).
- Selected for Indo-French (CEFIPRA-IFCPAR) Postdoctoral fellowship (2007-2008).
- Qualified Joint CSIR-UGC-National Eligibility Test (NET) (July, 2001).