Name | : | Mr. Dipankar Neog |
Designation | : | Pr Scientist |
Qualification | : | M. Tech (Petroleum Exploration and Production) |
Contact Details | : | General Engineering Division, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat – 785006Phone: 0376-2370117 (Extn. 3286) |
Email id | : | dneog@neist.res.in, neog_dipankar@yahoo.com |

Research Interest
- Mechanical Design
- Thermal Engineering and Biomass Energy.
- Advance Manufacturing like CNC, EDM etc.
- Computational Engineering.
- Modelling and Simulation.
- Rural Technology and Entrepreneurship Development.
- Total number of projects- 17 Nos.Ongoing: 8, Completed: 9
- On going Projects
- Setting up of a Non-Leather Footwear Training Cum Production Center at Udaipur of South Tripura (PI), Ministry of Industry through CLRI, Chennai, Project Cost-80.98 lakhs
- Setting up of a Non-Leather Footwear Training Cum Production Center at Tezpur, Assam (PI)DSIR, Ministry of S&T, Govt. of India Project Cost- 70 lakhs
- Council of Science and Technology for Rural India (CSTRI) Centre (PI), DST, Govt. of India Project cost @ 20.00 per year
- Post Disaster Management – Design and Development of Transitory Houses for Disaster Vulnerable Rural Sectors in the North Eastern Region (PI)(For 12th FYP) Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Project Cost-211.06 lakhs
- Environment Friendly Measures of Disposal and Recovery of Solid Deposits from the Strainers and Other Sources of Crude Oil Pumping Stations and Pipelines (Member), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Project Cost- 331.62 lakhs
- Preparation of the Detailed Project report (DPR) for the setting up of a Common Facility Centre for the Knife Manufacturing Cluster of Karanga, Jorhat (Assam) (PI), Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India,Project Cost- 1.09 lakhs
- Indian patent filed for the invention “Stove cum Charcoal Making Unit” (0175NF2011).
- Indian patent filed for the invention “A novel process of liquid and carrier based formulation using Pseudomonas aeruginosa TP16 for soil fertility and crop yield enhancement”
- Domestic Stove cum Charcoal Making Unit (Capacity 3 kgs of firewood / randomly collected verity biomass /Ipomea Carnea / Pine-cones etc. per batch conversion to charcoal)
- TP-16 Bio-fertilizer for sustainable crop yield
Awards and Fellowships
- Best Young Engineers Award – 2010 presented by the Senior Engineers Forum of Greater Guwahati.