Name | : | DR HB SINGH |
Designation | : | Sr. Principal Scientist (Scientist-in-Charge) |
Qualification | : | PhD (Biodiversity-Rangeland Ecology). |
Contact Details | : | Telfax: 0385-2414481; Mobile: 9862572209 |
Email id | : | singhhb@neist.res.in, hbirkumars@yahoo.com |

Research Interest
- Biodiversity, Economic Botany, Wetlands, Development of novel products
- Anthropogenic impacts & their management options in different ecosystems of Indian Himalayan region, funded by GB Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment & Sustainable Development, Almora 2017-20.
- Development of green campus in schools of Manipur, Northeast India, funded by GB Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment & Sustainable Development, Almora 2016-19.
- DNA Club: DBT-TERI mentoring the schools of north-East (57 Schools in Manipur) DBT, New Delhi 2009-13
- Establishment of herbal garden inside the Kangla Fort, Imphal, Govt. of Manipur
- Chemical investigation, trace element analysis & biological activities of some selected medicinal plants of Manipur for its sustainability NMPB, New Delhi 2009-12
- Model nursery for production of quality planting materials of MAPs NMPB, New Delhi through NMMP, Manipur 2009-11
- Development of novel leather products based on ethnic designs CSIR, New Delhi through CSIR-CLRI, Chennai 2008-12
- Training-cum-production centre for non-leather footwear HRD Mission, Govt. of India, New Delhi through CSIR-CLRI, Chennai 2006-09
- Genetic improvement and yield of Jatropha curcas (Bio-diesel) CSIR Networking 2005-10
- Cultivation of shiitake mushroom in Senapati district, Manipur Forest Deptt., Manipur 2005
- (A) Agro-techniques of (i) Foxnut plant (Euryale ferox Salisb), (ii) Water sensitive plant (Neptunia oleracea Lour), (B) Polyherbal spices for (i) Non-veg & (ii) Veg cuisines.
List of Publications (Most Recent Ten)
Total No. of Publications: 25 (SCI Journals)
- Jain A, Singh HB & Bhattacharyya PR (2012) The ethnobotany and nutritional values of wild rice [Zizania latifolia (Griseb) Turcz. ex Stapf] (Poaceae) in Manipur, India. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 11(1): 66-69.
- Senthil Kumar CM, Jeyaram K & Singh HB (2011) First record of an entomopathogenic fungus, Entomophaga aulicae infecting Bihar hairy caterpillar, Spilarctia obliqua from Manipur. Phytoparasitica, 39: 67-71.
- Jain A, Sundriyal M, Roshnibala R, Kotoky R, Kanjijal PB, Singh HB & Sundriyal RC (2011) Dietary use and conservation concerns of edible wetland plants at Indo-Burma hotspot: A case study from northeast India. J Ethnobiology & Ethnomedicine, 7: 29.
- Singh TP, Singh OM & Singh HB (2011) Adhatoda vasica Nees: Phytochemical and pharmacological profile. Natural Products Journal, 1: 29-39.
- Singh HB (2011) Plants associated in forecasting and beliefs within the Meitei community of Manipur, Northeast India. Indian J Traditional Knowledge, 10(1): 190-193.
- Singh HB, Adhikari RK, Sharma RK, Sharma TC & Rao PG (2008) Cultivation of shiitake mushroom – A potential agro-industry for hilly areas of Northeastern India. Natural Product Radiance, 7(1): 74-78.
- Jain A, Roshnibala S, Rajshree K, Sharma HN Kanjilal PB & Singh HB (2005) Matting rush (Schoenoplectus lacustris (Linn.) Palla): Status, utility, threat, cultivation & conservation options in Manipur. Current Science, 89(6): 1018-1022.
- Singh HB & Sundriyal RC (2005) Composition, economic use, and nutrient contents of alpine vegetation in the Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve, Sikkim Himalaya, India. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 37(4): 591-601, USA.
- Singh HB, Puni L, Jain A, Singh RS & Rao PG (2004) Status, utility, threats and conservation options for rattan resources in Manipur. Current Science, 87(1): 90-94.
- Singh HB, Kumar B & Singh RS (2003) Bamboo resources of Manipur: an overview for management and conservation. Journal of Bamboo and Rattan, 2(1), 43-55, the Netherlands.
- Books: (1) Jain Alka & Singh HB (2012) Community dependence on wetland resources in the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot: A case study from Manipur, Northeast India. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany (printed in the USA). (2) Singh HB, Singh RS & Sandhu JS (2003) Herbal Medicine of Manipur: A Colour Encyclopedia. Daya Publishing House, New Delhi. (3) Singh HB & Devi LP (2014) Hidak kanarabapambishing – A treatise of medicinal & aromatic plants (Manipuri medium). Padma Printers, Imphal.
Awards and Fellowships
- National Award for Outstanding Efforts in Science Communication 2018 (Cat-B), awarded by NCSTC, DST, Govt. of India.
- Rajendra Prabhu Memorial Shield for Science Reporting 2018, awarded by NCSTC, DST, Govt. of India.
- State Science Communicator Award 2016, by MASTEC, Govt. of Manipur
- Awarded Fellow of Ethnobotanical Society (FES), CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow (2011).
- Junior Research Fellowship from Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India, Botanical Survey of India, EC, Shillong (1995-1996).
- Awarded fellowship by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), USA; IDRC, Canada & The Mountain Institute (TMI), USA during PhD program (1996-1999).
- Senior Research Fellowship by the Department of Space, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing at the GB Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development, NE, Itanagar (2000).
- State Merit Scholarship for Post-Graduation 1991, by Govt. of Manipur.