Particulars of organization, functions and duties
North East Institute of Science & Technology, (formerly Regional Research Laboratory), Jorhat, Assam, was founded in the year 1961 as one of the multidisciplinary laboratories of CSIR. Its major thrust of R&D activities has been to develop indigenous technologies by utilizing the immense natural wealth of India. The North Eastern Region of the country is bestowed with abundance of material resources like petroleum, natural gas, minerals, tea as well as aromatic and medicinal plants and hence the Laboratory was targeted to undertake research for development of know-how for a wide range of industries. Over the years, the Laboratory has generated more than 100 technologies in the area of Agro-technology, Building materials, Drugs & Drugs intermediates, Inorganic chemicals, pesticides, Oilfield chemicals, and specialty paper and boards.
The Laboratory has also developed expertise in the areas of seismic study, ecology and environment studies, geotechnical investigations, foundation design engineering, testing of soil and building materials, analysis of water, food, edible oil, ores and minerals, metals, chemicals, petroleum products, fertilizer, etc.
Functions of Research Council
- Advise on the formulation of R&D programmes and future directions of activities of the laboratory keeping in view the Five Year Plans, national priorities and opportunity areas.
- Suggest networking with other CSIR National Laboratories on programmes of mutual interest.
- Review R&D activities and research programmes and advise on future directions.
- Advise on fostering linkages between the Laboratory, industry and potential clients.
- Constitute Selection Committees and Assessment Committees/Peer Groups for selection, merit and assessment promotions of Scientific staff.
- Any other function as may be assigned by Director General/Governing Body.
Functions of Management Council
- Administer and manage the affairs and environs of the laboratory.
- Write off irrecoverable monetary losses and Stores within the limits prescribed by CSIR
- Recommend the resource allocation for R&D activities/facilities of laboratory.
- Monitor the progress of R&D and other activities of the laboratory
- Recommend devolution of powers to the Project Leaders for the proper implementation of the projects/activities.
- Approve contract R&D, consultancy projects and licensing of IPR beyond the powers of Director.
- Consider the annual report of the laboratory.
- Constitute selection committees and assessment committees for all Technical staff.
- Any other matter, as my be referred by the Director-General.