Connecting Science and Technology for a brighter tomorrow



Soon after the establishment of the CSIR – North East Institute of Science & Technology (Formerly: Regional Research Laboratory), Jorhat in the year 1961, it was initiated to develop Analytical Services Division in order to provide analytical support to its R&D activities. Later on this Division got its own recognition as an Analytical Chemistry Group and involving in the own generated R&D projects. Presently this group is known as Analytical Chemistry group under Chemical Sciences and Technology Division (CSTD). Apart from analytical services provided to different in house as well as grants aided projects of the laboratory, it involves in the own generated R & D Projects. In the earlier stage, the group was involved in process development work on tea waste, essential oils, petrochemicals and pesticides etc. Presently, the main thrust areas of the group are focused on investigation of the different products with the help of different instrumental methods, chemical analysis including new research areas like development of nano-composites based electrochemical biosensors, Molecules to Materials to Devices (M2D) etc. This group, also, extends its support to different educational institutions, industries, NGO’s and govt. & semi-govt. organizations of NE region.

Group Leader
Dr Prakash Jyoti Saikia
Ph D (Polymer chemistry)
Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1080
Ph: ext. 2343 Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest : Analytical chemistry, Polymer chemistry, Spectroscopy
Dr Hemant Sankar Dutta
PhD (Photonics & Nanotechnology)
Senior Scientist
ID. No. 1275,
Fax : +91 376 2372342
Area’s of Interest : Photonics, Device Fabrication, Biosensing, Optical Sensors, Analytical Techniques
Technical Officers
Dr. Ankana Phukan
Senior Technical Officer (1)
ID. No. 1141
Ph: extn. 2486 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Analytical chemistry
Technical Officers
Ms. Kongkona Gogoi
Technical Officer
ID. No. 1241
Ph: extn. 2486 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Analytical chemistry
Mr. Hrishikesh Sarmah
B.Sc. Chemistry
Technical Asstt
ID. No. 1324
Ph: extn. 2486 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Analytical Chemistry, Quality Control Analysis of Soil & Water, Membrane Science & Technology, Crystallography
Technical Staff
Mr. Jayanta Madhab Boruah
HS,Instrument Mechanic Trade Test(NCVT)
Senior Technician(1)
ID. No. 1219
Ph: extn. 2486 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Analytical chemistry
Mr. Debajit Sarmah
Lab. Attendant
ID. No. 1074
Ph: extn. 2486 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Analytical chemistry