Fruits are one of the common & already adapted source of dietary nutrition with excellent source of Vitamins, Minerals, Electrolytes and Phytochemicals and in contrast, low in calories, fats and cholesterol. The intake of these nutrition comprising fruits is known to boost and build the immune system to fight all kinds of infections and metabolic disorders. The phytochemicals found in fruits such as Phenolic acids, Flavonoids, Carotenes etc has been reported to have immunity boosting properties like Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-cancer activities and so on by targeting various biochemical markers.
Fruits have been indispensable part of Indian healing cultures since ages. In the traditional medicinal practices’ viz. Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy (AYUSH) and Naturopathy, fruits including the minor fruits of different regions are used in healing various diseases. Here, the data driven epidemiological information, especially on immunomodulatory properties, bioactive compounds, immunomodulatory markers, traditional use for healthcare, etc., will help the researchers and others to understand and choose nutritionally rich fruits for immunity building.
This version of the portal is a manually curated database, constructed with the help of collected information from verified and certified literatures such as Books, published articles with clinical evidences, existing databases, journals and many other digitally available resources.
The main purpose of this database is to compile and present all the scientific information in a simple yet sophisticated manner, accessible to everyone making it user friendly. This data may be used for research purposes with proper citation of this portal. This data is not advised to be used as a treatment to diseases or any other similar practices or as self-medication.
The “Immunity Boosting Fruits Grown in India” web portal frame should not be used to create or serve any use in other web portal or similar platforms.
CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat-6, Assam, India
CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur-61,Himachal Pradesh, India Last updated on: 25-11-2022 |