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Our Team


With a mission to stimulate the establishment and growth of biotechnology based start-up companies and to translate their research findings and ideas into viable commercial entities the CSIR-NEIST ,Jorhat. Bio-Incubator will provide healthy and scientific environment to young entrepreneurs .CSIR-NEIST is an institute of education, training and research with a strong focus on capacity building.We welcome interaction and collaborations with the industry, academia and society to improve and implement our research efforts for the benefit of NE region in particular and the country in general.

For More Information contact undersigned.
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CSIR NEIST official website :

Dr. V M Tiwari

Dr. Dipul Kalita
Principal Scientist, ARDD

Bio-Incubator team

To stimulate, foster and enhance the strategic research and innovation capabilities of the Indian Biotech Industries, Particularly start ups and SMEs ,for creation of affordable products addressing the needs of the largest section of society.

Dr. R Konwar

Dr. P Manna

Dr. RK Rawal

Dr. JL Hatiboruah

Business Development Team

Join Hands with our experienced Business develoment team to reach desired goal in business. To support start ups to gain access to mentors , training , shared space, technical and business mentorship, funding support and other professional services that will move onto fast track to success. For Promotion and Marketing plans kindly reach us on

Debasish Dutta

Manjum Mahanta
Bussiness Development Manager

Swashati Mahanta
Technical Officer

Sunil Chutia
Program Associate