About The Event
A four days International Seminar and Workshop on CRISPR/Cas-based Plant Functional Genomics and Computational Modeling (ISWCPC-2023) will be organized by CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology (NEIST) during January 18-21, 2023 at CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India. The main focus of the seminar and workshop is to obtain a broad view of the recent applications and developments in CRISPR/Cas-based technology and Computational Modeling and to gain insight into where trends in the field and Entrepreneurial prospects are heading by the renowned experts. This will provide an ideal platform to the participants to present their research work, interact, debate and disseminate ideas amongst the distinguished professionals, eminent scientists, technologist and industrialist. This event will be organized in both physical and online mode. This grand scientific event on CRISPR/Cas-based Plant Functional Genomics and Computational Modeling will be the first of its kind in North Eastern Region (NER) and to make the event a great success, the participation, support, and co-operation from everyone relevant to the field across India and world is very much essential. On behalf of the local organizing committee, International Seminar and Workshop on CRISPR/Cas-based Plant Functional Genomics and Computational Modeling (ISWCPC-2023), it is our immense pleasure to invite you to participate in this event and explore the opportunities.
CSIR - North East Institute of Science and Technology(NEIST),
Jorhat, Assam - 785006.
Wednesday to Saturday
18 - 21, January 2023
Institute at a Glance

North East Institute of Science and Technology (NEIST), Jorhat, Assam is a premier institute engaged in
multidisciplinary R&D work under the flagship of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) since its inception
in the year 1961 under its maiden name Regional Research Laboratory (RRL), Jorhat, Assam. CSIR-NEIST takes great pride in
accomplishing milestones in scientific and technological missions in service of the nation. The institute caters extensively
to the research and development activities in the entire North Eastern Region (NER) of India which is an abode of natural
resources like oil and natural gas, minerals, traditional medicinal and aromatic plants, tea, indigenous rice varieties, etc.
The Institute has successfully celebrated the Diamond Jubilee in the year 2022 and has generated more than 100 technologies
in the areas of Biology, Agro-technology, Material Science and Petroleum Research. Under the flagship of Science & Technology
Intervention in North East- ern Region (STINER), Aroma Mission and BioNEST incubator, NEIST has been dedicatedly working on
developing the skills and profession of farmers and artisan community of NER through Science & Technological intervention
along with that mentoring and nurturing the entrepreneurial skillset. As the most recent contribution, a Center for
Infectious Disease (CID) is established to strengthen the capacity and the capability building in the NER to carry out
biomedical research on diseases having priority in the national health program and unique to the region and bring
translational interventions for the society in terms of surveillance, diagnostics, theraputics, and other solutions.
A flagship facility of CID is the Next Generation Genomics Facility (NGGF), harboring first-generation Sanger Sequencer,
second-generation NGS platform (Illumina), and third-generation sequencing platform (Oxford Nanopore Tech- nologies),
which has catered to the need of genomic sequencing works of the institute and the NER, particularly during the most
critical Covid-19 pandemic.
Several accomplishments in areas like Natural Products Chemistry, Plant functional Genomics, Medicinal Aromatic plants,
Agro-technologies, Petroleum technology, Herbal Chemical Technology, Ecology and Environmental Technology, Geotechnical
investigations, Design and Structural Mechanical Engineering, and recently established state-of-the-art Advanced
Computation and Data Science (ACDS) division, have paved the way to constantly benefit the society through basic and
applied research interventions. The Biological Science and Technological Division (BSTD) has undertaken advanced
biological research in the areas of microbial technology, insect value-added product development, and most recent breakthrough
technologies like CRISPR/Cas-based genome editing and translational genomics for developing abiotic and biotic stress tolerant crops.
With the advanced technologies, instrumentation and most enthusiastic scientific human resources, CSIR-NEIST has been
holding a premier space in leading science in the NER as well as in the country towards societal benefit and self-sustainability.
Event Speakers
Lead speakers in Thematic Areas

Prof. G. Narahari Sastry
Director, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, India

Prof. G.P.S. Raghava
Head Dept. of Computational Biology, IIIT-Delhi, India

Prof. Durai Sundar
Institute Chair Professor, IIT Delhi, India

Dr. Nese Sreenivasulu
Research Unit Leader, International Rice Research Institute, Philippines

Dr. Dinesh Kumar
Principal Scientist, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi,India

Dr. Prashanth N. Suravajhala
Principal Scientist, School of Biotechnology Amritha Vishwa Vidyapeetham Kerala, India

Dr. Sung S. Yim
Asst. Professor, Biological Sciences KAIST, South Korea

Dr. Rajiv G. Govindaraj
Senior Scientist, Hotspot Therapeutics, Boston, USA

Dr. Pankaj Barah
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Tezpur University, India
CRISPR/Cas-based Genome Editing & Plant Functional Genomics

Prof. Prabodh Trivedi
Director, CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow,India

Dr. Goetz Hensel
Head, Centre for Plant Genome Engineering, Heinrich-Heine University, Germany

Prof. Yiping Qi
Dept. of Plant Science University of Maryland, Maryland, USA

Prof. Dinesh A. Nagegowda
Scientist -in-Charge & Sr. Pr, Sct CSIR-CIMAP, Bangalore Centre Bangalore, India

Prof. Sharmistha Banerjee
Department of Biochemistry, School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad, India

Dr. Anil Kumar Challa
Senior Scientist Shiv Nadar University Delhi NCR, India

Dr. Viswanathan Chinnusamy
Principal Scientist & Head Division pf Plant Physiology, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi, India

Prof. Salvinder Singh
Assam Agricultural University Jorhat, India

Dr. Sudripta Das
Scientist-F Institute of Bioresources & Sustainable Development, Imphal, India

Dr. Tanushri Kaul
Group leader, Nutritional Crop Improvement ICGEB, New Delhi, India

Dr. Siddharth Tiwari
Scientist-E, National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute, Mohali, India

Dr. Kallare P. Arunkumar
Scientist-C, Central Muga Eri Research & Training Institute, Jorhat, India

Dr. Gireesha T. Mohannath
Asst. Professor, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad, India

Dr. Sreeramaiah N Gangappa
Asst. Professor IISER- Kolkata, India

Dr. Sudhakar Reddy Palakolanu
Scientist, ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India

Dr. Amit Kumar Mishra
Asst. Professor, Mizoram University, AizwalIndia

Dr. Kutubuddin Ali Molla
Scientist, ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack India
Biotechnology-based Entrepreneurship Development

Prof. Malali Gowda
Founder and Director, Bengaluru Genomics Centre Head & Co-founder DNA World (Genomics and AI) Hue Tech, Dubai,UAE

Dr. Vibha Ahuja
Chief General Manager, Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL), New Delhi, India

Dr. Bharat Char
Chief Scientific Officer, MAHYCO Jalna, Maharashtra, India

Dr Ratna Kumria
Director, Agri-Biotechnology Alliance for Agri Innovation FSII, New Delhi, India

Dr. Bula Choudhury
Senior Scientist & Coordinator Entrepreneurs at Guwahati Biotech Park Guwahati Govt. of Assam, India
Event Schedule
Tentative Schedule of the Event
Registration and Inaugural Tea
Saraswathi Vandana and Lamp Lighting Ceremony
Felicitation of the Chief Guest, the Guest of Honor and the Dignitaries
Welcome address by Prof. G. Narahari Sastry
Director, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India & Chairman, ISWCPC-2023
Introduction to ISWCPC-2023 by Dr. Ratul Saikia
Head, Biological Sciences and Technology Division, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India
Briefing about ISWCPC-2023 by Dr. Channa Chikkaputtaiah
Convenor, Principal Scientist, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India
Address by the Guest of Honor, Prof. Prabodh Trivedi
Director, CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Address by the Guest of Honor, Prof. Durai Sundar
Institute Chair Professor, IIT Delhi, Delhi, India
Address by the Guest of Honor, Prof. Malali Gowda
Founder and Director, Bengaluru Genomics Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Address by the Special Invited Guest, Prof. Dinesh Kumar
Dean Academics, Central University of Haryana, Mehendragarh, Haryana, India
Address by the Special Invited Guest, Dr. G. Madhavi Sastry
Senior Director, Schrodinger Inc., Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Address by the Chief Guest Prof. Ch Mohan Rao
CSIR- Distinguished Scientist and Former Director, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMP), Hyderabad, Telangana, India Title: CRISPR: Re-writing the fate
Vote of thanks by Dr. Jatin Kalita
Principal Scientist, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India
Breakfast (Open Air Arena)
Session I: CRISPR/Cas based Computational Modelling and Genomics
Chair: Prof. Ch. Mohan Rao Co-Chair: Dr. Rituraj Konwar Anchoring: Yogita N. Sarki Assistance: Dipshikha Gogoi, Kripa Dristi Dihingia, Suparna
Keynote Address by the Guest of Honor, Prof. Durai Sundar
Institute Chair Professor, IIT Delhi, Delhi, India Title: Rewriting the Blueprint of Life by Genome Engineering
Keynote Address by the Guest of Honor, Prof. Malali Gowda
Founder and Director, Bengaluru Genomics Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India Title: Crop Improvement using Artificial Intelligence Technology
Prof. Dinesh Kumar
Professor (Biotechnology) & Dean Academics, Central University of Haryana, Mehendragarh, Haryana, India Title: CRISPR in Legal and Global Regulatory Lanscape of Plant Genome Editing Policies: Perception & Issues
Prof. Prashanth N. Suravajhala
Principal Scientist Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kerala, India Title: Systems Genomics: Phenome-Interactome Networks on the Anvil for Identifying Candidate Drug Targets
Tea Break
Dr. Nese Sreenivasulu (Online)
Research Unit Leader International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines Title: Plant systems genetics role in unraveling nutritional diversity in rice grains to translate human health
Dr. Sucheta Tripathy (Online)
Senior Principal Scientist CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (CSIR-IICB), Kolkata, India Title: Unraveling the early effectors of crop destroyer phytophthora capsici for understanding pathogenesis and designing control strategies
Dr. Sung Sun Yim (Online)
Assistant Professor KAIST, South Korea Title: Recording biological surroundings from within
Dr. Rajiv Gandhi Govindaraj
Senior Scientist Hotspot Therapeutics, Boston, USA Title: AI into the allsteric drug hunting process
Dr. Selvaraman Nagamani
Scientist CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India Title: Molecular Property Diagnostic Suite(MPDS): An Attempt to Strength CADD in Country
Visit to Molecular Biology Lab and Functional Genomics Facility
Lunch Break
Session II Biotechnology-based Entrepreneurship/Industry prospects in India
Chair: Prof. Durai Sundar Co-Chair: Dr. Ratul Saikia Anchoring: Yogita N. Sarki Assistance: Nooreen Wasmin, Udeshna Changmai, Gayatri Gogoi
Keynote Address by Prof. G. Narahari Sastry
Director CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India
Dr. Ratna Kumria (Online)
Director of Agri Biotech Federation of Seed Industry of India(FSII), New Delhi, India Title: Realising Benefits of Technology in Agriculture
Dr. Bula Chowdhury
Senior Scientist & Coordinator Guwahati Biotech Park, Govt. of Assam, India Title: Bio-Entrepreneurship for NER
Dr. Jatin Kalita
Principal Scientist and Head, Research Planning and Business Development Division CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India Title: will be uploaded soon
Industry Talk by Mr. Venkat Koushik Pulla, Merck
Title: Innovations in CRISPR tools - moving towards translational research
Industry Talk by Dr. Nithya Nand Sharma, Premas Life Sciences
Title: The Revolution of Genome Editing Technologies and the Role of Next Generation Sequencing Tools
Industry Talk by Dr. Nagesh K. A, Eurofins Genomics
Title: Advanced plant genomics approches with Eurofins genomics
Industry Talk by Mrs. Rituparna Nandi, Zelle Biotech
Title: R&D and associated activities at Zelle Biotech
Talk by Dr. Krishna Raghav Chaturvedi, American Chemical Society (ACS)
Title: Resources at ACS to advance your carear
Tea Break
Dr. Vibha Ahuja
Chief General Manager BCIL, New Delhi, India Title: Regulatory requirement for genome editing in india
Dr. Bharat Char
Chief Scientific Officer MAHYOO, Jalna, Maharashtra, India Title: New breeding techniques and digital tools for crop improvement - an industry perspective
Judges for Oral Presentation:
Prof. Prabodh Trivedi, Prof. Durai Sundar, Prof. Malali Gowda, Prof. Dinesh Nagegowda
Oral Presentation by Anuj Kumar Konda
Title: MADS-box genes as candidate genes for CRISPR/Cas based functional genomics to engineer early flowering trait in chickpea
Oral Presentation by Anuj Sharma
Title: Deciphering the role of ROP GTPase regulatory proteins (RGRPs) in modulation of Catharanthus roseus anticancer alkaloid metabolism
Oral Presentation by Banashree Saikia
Title: Cell-biological and CRISPR/Cas9-based loss-of-function analysis of SlHyPRP1 and SlDEA1 genes of Solanum lycopersicum L. revealed their role as negative regulators of multi-stree tolerance
Oral Presentation by Faizia Bano
Title: Improvement of Artemisinin content in Artemisia annua through CRISPR-Cas9
Oral Presentation by Gargi Prasad Saradadevi
Title: hda6 mutations cause loss of selective ribosomol RNA (rRNA) gene silencing on a multi-megabase scale and rDNA genomic instability
Oral Presentation by Gayatri Panda
Title: Comparative structural and dynamics study of free and gRNA-bound FnCas9 and SpCas9 proteins
Oral Presentation by Ginny Antony
Title: TAL effector mediated susceptibility in pomegranate bacterial blight
Oral Presentation by Himakshi Sharma
Title: Unravelling the mechanism of Protein-Protein Interactions in Selected Viral Deseases and Breast Cancer
Oral Presentation by Hridoy Jyoti Mahanta
Title: Decoding mathematical Modeling and Statistical Learning for Drug Discovery and Epidemiology
Oral Presentation by Jasmine M. Shah
Title: Transgenerational epigenetic memory in the Arabidopsis thaliana under biotic stress
Oral Presentation by Murali Krishna Paidi
Title: Suppression of delta-6 fatty acid desaturase in marine diatoms using CRISPR/Cas system for enhancement of n-3 synthesis
Oral Presentation by Riwandahun Marwein
Title: Transcriptome-wide analysis of North-East Indian (NEI) rice cultivars in response to Bipolaris oryzae infection revealed the importance of early response to the pathogen in suppressing disease progression
End of the Day 2
Session I: CRISPR/Cas based plant genome editing
Chair: Prof. Sharmistha Banerjee Co-Chair: Dr. Mantu Bhuyan Anchoring: Banashree Saikia Assistance: Priyanka Gogoi, Richa Dhakal, Pooja Talukdar
Keynote Address by Prof. Prabodh Trivedi
Director, CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India Title: Functional genomics and crop improvement using genome-editing approach
Dr. Yiping Qi (Online)
Associate Professor University of Maryland, USA Title: Boosting plant genome editing with a versatile CRISPR-Combo system
Dr. Dinesh A. Nagegowda
Senior Principal Scientist & Scientist-In Charge, CSIR-CIMAP Lucknow, Bangalore Centre, India Title: Functional genomics for understanding and improvement of medicinal and aromatic traits
Dr. Sudripta Das
Scientist-F Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Developmet (IBSD), Impal, India Title: Precision Gene Editing: The Challenge of Regulating Plant Genomic Innovations
Dr. Kutubuddin Ali Molla
Scientist iCAR-CRRI, Cuttack, India Title: Genome editing mimics natural mutation for developing climate-resilient rice
Tea Break
Dr. Tanushri Kaul (Online)
Group Leader, Nutritional Crop Improvement, ICGEB, New Delhi, India Title: How CRISP is CRISPR? Re-designing Future Crops for Enhanced Herbicide-Resistance and Productivity Employing CRISPR/Cas9
Prof. Salvinder Singh
Professor Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam, India Title: Genome Engineering of Musa balbisiana cv. Bhimkol through CRISPR/Cpf1 Technology
Dr. Siddharth Tiwari
Scientist-E national Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), Mohali, Punjab, India Title: CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing in banana for nutritional trait improvement
Dr. Sudhakar Reddy Palakolanu
Scientist and Group Leader International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad, Telangana, India Title: New breeding tools (NBTs) for dryland cereal crops for sustainable agriculture and enhancing the nutritional security
Prof. Goetz Hensel (Online)
Head, Centre of Plant Genome Engineering (CEPLAS), Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany Title: CRISPR/Cas-based functional genomics in cereals
Dr. Channa Chikkaputaiah
Principal Scientist, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India Title: Development of biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, and crop improvement through CRISPR/Cas-based genome editing system and funcional genomics approaches
Lunch Break
Theme 1: CRISPR/Cas-based Plant Genome Editing
- Prof. Dinesh A. Nagegowda
- Prof. Salvinder Singh
- Dr. Siddharth Tiwari
- Dr. Sudhakar Reddy Palakolanu
- Dr. Kutubuddin Ali Molla
Theme 2: Computational Biology and Plant Functional Genomics
Judges Group I:
- Prof. Dinesh Kumar
- Dr. Arunkumar Kallare
- Dr. S. Nagamani
Judges Group II:
- Dr. Gireesha T. Mohannath
- Dr. Rajiv Gandhi Govindaraj
- Dr. N. Velmurugan
Theme 3: Biological Sciences
- Dr. Prashanth N. Suravajhala
- Dr. Sreeramaiah Gangappa
- Dr. Amit Mishra
- Dr. Prasenjit Manna
- Dr. Anil K. Singh
Session II: CRISPR/Cas-based functional genomics and Biotechnology
Chair: Prof. Dinesh Kumar Co-Chair: Dr. S. B. Wann Anchoring: Riwandahun Marwein Assistance: Lipsa Priyadarshinee, Upasna Goswami, Babli Borah, Twinkle Borah
Prof. Sharmistha Banerjee
School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Telangana, India Title: Differential encapsidation of host factors influence HIV-1 population dynamics and infectivity: a case study aided by CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing of human Staufens
Dr. Rituraj Konwar
Principal Scientist Biological Sciences and Technology Division, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India Title: Genome Editing Tools for Cancer Management: Progress and Prospects
Dr. Kallare P. Arunkumar
Scientist Central Muga Eri Research & Training Institute (CMER&TI), Jorhat, Assam, India Title: Molecular basis of polyphagy and insecticide resistance in agriculture pests
Dr. Gireesha T. Mohannath
Senior Assistant Professor, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, Telangana, India Title: How epigenetic mutants could impact epigenomic studies? Lessons from Arabidopsis ribosomal DnA studies
Dr. Sreeramaiah N. Gangappa
Assistant Professor, IISER, Kolkata, India Title: Complex genetic interactions among MYC transcription factors underlie seedling photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis
Dr. Amit Kumar Mishra
Assistant Professor, Mizoram University, Aizawl, Mizoram, India Title: Understanding the role of plant U-box E3 ubiquitin ligases in response to drought and oxidative stresses
Tea Break
Panel Discussion:
CRISPR/Cas: Present and Future for Indian Scenario
Panellists on the dias:
Prof. G. Narahari Sastry Prof. Prabodh Trivedi Prof. Sharmistha Banerjee Prof. Dinesh Nagegowda Prof. Malali Gowda prof. Dinesh Kumar Prof. Salvinder Singh Dr. Sudripta Das Dr. Siddhartha Tiwari Dr. Sudhakar Reddy Palakolanu
Dr. Anil Challa
Prize Distribution Announcement: Dr. Himangshu K. Bora Closing remarks and way forward: Prof. G. Narahari Sastry
Vote of Thanks by Dr. Selvaraman Nagamani, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India
End of the Day 3
(All 60 participants)
Resource Persons:
Prof. G. Narahari Sastry Dr. Pankaj Barah Dr. Selvaraman Nagamani Dr. Hridoy Jyoti Mahanta
Welcome address to resouce persons and workshop participants by Prof. G. Narahari Sastry, Director, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India
Introduction and Felicitation of resource persons Briefing about the workshop by Dr. Channa Chikkaputtaiah, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India
Computational Biology and CRISPR/Cas
a) Overview and implications (30 min) b) Theory, Practical (Hands on/Demo) of Computational CRISPR/Cas
Lunch Break
(All 60 participants)
Dr. Anil Challa, Shiv Nadar Unit
CRISPR/Cas: Introduction and Overview
Dr. Kuttubuddin Ali Molla, ICAP-CRRI
Advanced CRISPR-Cas tools: Base editing and Prime editing for rewriting genetic letters
Dr. Sudhakar Palakolanu, ICRISAT, Hyderabad
CRISPR/Cas based plant genome editing: Overview
Dr. Gireesha T. Mohannath, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad
TRBO system for efficient CRISPR/Cas genome editing
Dr. Anil Challa with other RPs
Gene selection, sgRNA design, off-target analysis, virtual CRISPR/Cas construct design
WET LAB EXPERIMENTS (16.30 - 19.00)
Venue: BSTD Labs
(in 3 groups of 20 participants each)
Cloning of sgRNA oligonucleotide into an entry plasmid
Step 1: Linearization of sgRNA entry plasmid Step 2: sgRNA oligonucleotide phosphorylation and annealing Step 3: Ligation of phosphorylated sgRNA oligonucleotide into a linearized sgRNA entry plasmid Step 4: Transformation of E.coli eompetent cells with the ligated product Step 5: Confirmation of transformed E.coli cells with colony PCR
Gateway assembly of sgRNA entry plasmid, Cas12a plasmid and destination plasmid
Step 1: Set up Gateway LR reaction Step 2: Confirmation of final Gateway Assembly product using EcoR1 restriction digestion
Agrobacterium Transformation of CRISPR/Cas12a plasmid
Step 1: Mixing of Agro-competent cells with the restriction digestion confirmed plasmid and electroporation. Step 2: Plating of Agro transformed cells into antibiotic seletion media (To be parallelly performed during section B, Step 2)
End of the Day 4
Venue: BSTD Labs
(Continuation of CRISPR/Cas wet lab experiment in BSTD Labs)
Resource Persons:
Group 1:
Dr. Sudhakar P Dr. Anil Challa
Group 2:
Dr. Kuttubuddin Ali Molla Dr. Gireesha T. M
Group 3:
Dr. Kallare P. Arunkumar Dr. C. Chikkaputaiah
Plant transformation (rice calli) using Agrobacterium-methods gene transfer method
Step 1: Discussion by resource persons about principles and methods of transformation Step 2: Practical demonstration of rice calli transformation with Agrobacterium harbouring the CRISPR/Cas12a plasmid
- Divided into 3 Groups
- Parallel demonstration of experments and discussion with resource persons
A practical demonstration by BSTD lab members and discussion with resource persons
10 students from each Group(30 mins.) 10 Students from each Group(30 mins.)
Venue: CID Labs and STINER HUB
Parallel demonstratin of Sanger sequencing, NGS and visit to Sophisticated analytical Instrumentation Facility (SAIF)
Component 1: Sanger and NGS (theory)
Dr. Romi Wahengbam Dr. Tridip Phukan Dr. Pankaj Bharali and CID Team
Component 2: Sanger and NGS (practical demo)
Dr. Prasengit Manna Dr. Romi Wahengbam Dr. Anjum Dihingia and CID Team
Component 3: SAIF visit
Mrs. Archana Yadav Dr. Jyotilakshmi HB Ms. Babli Borah Ms. Veigyabati Devi
Lunch Break
Overview of Sanger and NGS data analysis for CRISPR/Cas and other Functional Genomics applications
Dr. K. P Arunkumar Dr. Bankaj Barah
Data Analysis: Sanger Seq for CRISPR/Cas editing events
Dr. Sudhakar Reddy P Dr. Kuttubuddin Ali Molla Dr. Anil Challa with BSTD team
Data Analysis: NGS for CRISPR/Cas and other functional genomics applications
Dr. Pankaj Barah Dr. Romi Wahengbam Dr. N. Velmurugan with CID team and ACDS team
Tea and
Interaction of participants with all resource persons and ACDS, BSTD, and CID team
Prof. G. Narahari Sastry, Director, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat
Concluding Remarks and way forward
Dr. S. B. Wann, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat
Vote of thanks
End of the Day 5
Event Venue
Event venue location info and gallery
J N Baruah Auditorium
CSIR - NEIST Complex,
Jorhat, Assam
Thematic Areas
of the Event

CRISPR/Cas-based Genome Editing and Computational Modeling
Single guide RNA design and CRISPR modeling tools, CRISPR and systems biology, genomics and computational biology.

CRISPR/Cas-based Plant Functional Genomics
Plant-microbe-insect interactions, Plant stress biology, Quality trait improvement, Environmental biotechnology, Climate smart crops.

Biotechnology-based Entrepreneurship Development
Agri-technology & entrepreneurship, CRISPR therapeutics, Data science & bioinformatics for strengthening traditional drug development.

Hands-on workshop on Computational Biology, CRISPR/Cas Technology and Functional Genomics
CRISPR/Cas technology and its pipeline, Guide RNA design and Off-target analysis, CRISPR construct designing and plant transformation (Agrobacterium mediated & Gene Gun), Molecular confirmation of transformants and gene edited events through Confocal microscopy, Flow Cytometry, Sanger sequencing and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS).
Facilities and Equipment
Relevant to The Workshop
Registration Details
Mode of the Event
The seminar will be conducted in hybrid (online and offline) mode and the workshop will be conducted through physical participation.
Target Disciplines and Attendees
Students, Researchers, Faculties, Scientists, Entrepreneurs and Industry Professionals from the discipline of Biological/Life Sciences from India and abroad.
Call for Research Abstract
Research abstracts, broadly within the scope of any biological sciences discipline, written in English language (max 250 words) to be submitted by the interested participants. Abstracts can be submitted electronically during the registration using the link https://neist.res.in-/iswcpc-2023/ (only .doc and .docx files will be accepted with a maximum size of 5MB). Abstracts will be published in seminar and workshop compendium. A poster (Width: 1m, Height: 1.5m) depicting the major research findings presented in the abstract need to be placed in the poster session during the event (offline mode only). Selected few abstracts will be given chance for oral presentations. The participants applying for online mode only will not be considered for poster or oral presentation. However, their abstracts will be published in the compendium. Hands-on training will be given to only 25 registered participants on a first come first served basis by the in-house and invited experts during the workshop. There will be awards for best oral and poster presentations. Certificate will be given to all the registered participants.
Registration Fee (INR) #
Registration Fee (INR) # | |||
Participants | Offline | Online | |
Seminar | Seminar and Workshop* | Seminar | |
Students, Research Scholars and Postdocs | 1500 | 5000 | 1000 |
Academic Faculty & Scientists | 3000 | 6000 | 1500 |
Industry Professionals | 5000 | 8000 | 2500 |
Participants from Abroad | 5000 | 10000 | 2500 |
Late Registration | + 500 |
# Registration fee includes seminar and workshop kit, abstract book, lunch, high tea and dinner throughout the event.
* Though the symposium is for all the registered participants the workshop is only for selected 25 participants through offline mode on early registration basis.
Late Registration
The seminar will be conducted in hybrid (online and offline) mode and the workshop will be conducted through physical participation.
Accommodation will be provided only for workshop participants at CSIR-NEIST guest house or hostel based on availability. Other participants have to make their own arrangements for accomodation. The conveners may be contacted for arranging the paid accommodation in Jorhat city close to the event venue.
Bank Account Details for Payment of Registration Fee
Name of the Bank : STATE BANK OF INDIA Branch : RRL JORHAT BRANCH Place : JORHAT Contact No. : (0376) 2370126 IFSC Code : SBIN0005604 MICR Code : 785002007 NEIST Account : DIRECTOR, NEIST Account No. : 00000030266871392
Important Dates
of the Event
Latest Updates
Registration for Seminar and Workshop (Offline) : Closed
Registration and Abstract Submission for Seminar (Hybrid) : Closed
Registration for Seminar (Hybrid) only : Closed
Online Links

Event Gallery
Some glimpses of the event
Contact Us
How to Reach the Location
The CSIR-NEIST is located at Jorhat, Assam, a North Eastern Region of India. It is about 300 km from Guwahati International Airport, 150 km from Dibrugarh Airport and 120 km from Dimapur Airport. Jorhat can be reached through bus, taxi, train or flight from Guwahati, Dibrugarh and Dimapur. There are also direct flights to Jorhat from Kolkata and Bangalore. Jorhat can be reached by flight from other metro cities through connecting flight from Kolkata, Guwahati and Dibrugarh. Local taxies namely, City Cab (+91-8638196808), U-rent (+91-8881388829), Obey Cab (+91-8822999099) and Autos are available 24 x 7 to reach the venue from Jorhat airport (12 km), railway station (10 km) and bus station (6 km). Please contact organizers for any information. The contact details of concerned organizing members will be provided to the registered participants at the earliest. Link for the Venue.
CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India.Phone Number