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Rubus idaeus

Raspberry, is a relative of the Blackberry family with a few differences. It is a red coloured, small sized fruit with a hollow core in the centre and tastes sweet. It is consumed fresh and processed to make individual frozen fruit, puree, jelly, juice or as dried fruits. It is not a native fruit of India, although it is commercially available in various regions of the country. Raspberries may come in varieties of colours ranging from red, purple, yellow and black. Various reports claims that the fruit is a rich source of vitamin C and which is why it helps to boost our immunity. In addition, it is suitable for the digestive system, blood sugar and other various benefits. The fruit extract is seen to enhance the immune responses in our body by influencing the immunomodulatory marker NF-kB, scavenging free radicals and taking part in the inhibition activity of lipoxygenase and cyclo-oxygenase 2 activity to give a anti-inflammatory response.

Mode of Consumption: Mostly consumed Raw, Used to prepare Juice, Jam, Pickles Dried fruits etc

Plant Details Agro-climatic Zone Vernacular Names Pictures
Scientific Name: Rubus idaeus L.
Family: Rosaceae Juss.
Class: Dicotyledonae
Order: Rosales
Genus: Rubus L.
Fruiting Season: April to August
Fruting Condition: Ripe and unripe

    Whole fruit.

    Fruits, ripe and unripe on plant.

    Ripe fruit basket.

    Compound/Chemical Immunomodulatory Activity Pathway Immunomodulatory Marker
    Fruit extractAntioxidant acitvityThe fruit extracts showed dose-dependent immunomodulatory effect.NF-κB[2]
    Fruit extractAntioxidant acitvityFree radical scavenging activity.[2]
    Fruit extractAnti-inflammatory activityIt is ability to inhibit the activity of lipoxygenase and cyclo-oxygenase 2.TNF-alpha[2]
    Major Class Metabolites
    Flavonoid(+)- Catechin(Seed), Rutin(Seed), Quercetin(Seed), Kaempferol(Seed)
    Phenolic acidGallic acid(Seed), Syringic acid(Seed), Cinnamic acid(Seed), Chlorogenic acid,(Seed), Ferulic acid(Seed), Gentisic acid(Seed), Caffeic acid(Seed), p-coumaric acid(Seed)
    Traditional Practice Diseases Plant Part Additional Knowledge
    Fruits Prevention and management of chronic diseases, through improvements in glucose handling and insulin sensitivity, adiposity, lipid profiles, ectopic lipid accumulation, inflammation, oxidative stress, and cardiac health[4]
    FruitsImmune-Metabolic Health in Subjects at Risk of Metabolic Syndrome[5],
    Incompatible with Milk, Curd and cheese

    CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat-6, Assam, India
    CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur-61,Himachal Pradesh, India