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Psidium guajava

Major guava producing states include Maharashtra, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Gujrat, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. They are harvested between June to September. India is the largest producer of guava in the world with 21.8 million tonnes in 2019. Guava is a member of Myrtaceae family and it is rich in meroterpenoids, phenolic acids and flavonoids. Psiguajavadial A (1) and B (2) belonging to meroterpenoids has been reported to have antiproliferative activity by inducing apoptosis in human colon cancer cell line (HCT116 cells). Myricetin belongs to flavonoids group reported to have antiproliferative activity by Arrests the G2/M cell-cycle phase in HepG2 cells by inactivating the cyclin B/CDK1 complex by promoting the expression of the tumor suppressor protein and the CDK inhibitors p53, p21, and p27. Catechin another flavonoid has shown to have antiproliferative activity by inducing apoptosis through activating Caspase-9 and 3 downregulating Bcl-2 and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in human HCC cells.

Mode of Consumption: Mostly consumed Raw, Used to prepare Juice, Jam, Pickles Dried fruits etc

Plant Details Agro-climatic Zone Vernacular Names Pictures
Scientific Name: Psidium guajava L.
Family: Myrtaceae Juss.
Class: Mangoliopsida
Order: Myrtales
Genus: Psidium L.
Fruiting Season: June to September 
Fruting Condition: Ripe
  • Southern plateau and Hills Region & East Coast Plains and Hills Region
  • Gujarat Region
  • North-Western Mountain Region
  • Southern plateau and Hills Region & West Coast Plains and Ghat Region
  • West Coast Plains and Ghat Region
  • The Western Rajasthan Region & The Aravali-Malwa Upland

Andhra Pradesh : Jāmapaṇḍu, Jāmapaṇḍu
Gujarat : Jāmaphaḷa, Jāmaphaḷa
Himachal Pradesh : Amarood, Amarood
Karnataka : Sībehaṇṇu, Sībehaṇṇu
Kerala : pērakka, pērakka
Punjab : Amarūda, Amarūda

Ripe fruits with tree.

Ripe fruits kept together.

Single unripe fruit on tree.

Compound/Chemical Immunomodulatory Activity Pathway Immunomodulatory Marker
Psiguajavadials A (1) and B (2)Antiproliferative activityAntiproliferative activity against hepatocarcinoma cell lines (HepG2 and SMMC-7721 cell lines), MCF-7, breast cancer cell lines. Induces apoptosis in human colon cancer cell line (HCT116 cells) [1][6]
MyricetinAntiproliferative activityArrests the G2/M cell-cycle phase in HepG2 cells by inactivating the cyclin B/CDK1 complex by promoting the expression of the tumor suppressor protein and the CDK inhibitors p53, p21, and p27P53,P21,P27[5][6]
CatechinAntiproliferative activitySuppressess the growth of human HCC cells by inhibiting the phosphorylation of tyrosine-kinase receptor IGF-1Ri inducing apoptosis by activating Caspase-9 and -3 downregulating Bcl-2 and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)Caspase 9[5][6][7]
Major Class Metabolites
FlavonoidMyricetin(Whole fruit), Catechin(Whole fruit)
MeroterpenoidsPsiguajavadials A (1) and B (2)(Whole fruit)
Traditional Practice Diseases Plant Part Additional Knowledge
FruitTreatment of acute gingivitis[8]
LeafTreatment acute infectious diarrhoea[9]
Incompatible with milk and other milk products, fruits like Banana.

CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat-6, Assam, India
CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur-61,Himachal Pradesh, India