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Musa balbisiana

Bhim-kol is a tropical wild fruit grown in the North-eastern region of India and is also a minor fruit of the region. It belongs to the Musaceae family and is also known as Athia-kol in Assam. The fruit is reported to be rich in bioactive compounds, potassium and chloride accumulation that produces high alkalinity in the plant which gives medicinal uses. It also contains flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins, monoterpenoids, quinones and saponins. Phenolics like gallic acid, catechin, epicatechin etc are found to be in the fruit which are responsible for carrying out antioxidant activities by free radical scavenging analysed with DPPH analysis method. It has been also reported that the fruit shows anti-hepatotoxic activities such as helping to elevate levels of serum glucose, urea, uric acid, creatinine, triglycerides, aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase levels and so on.

Mode of Consumption: Mostly consumed Raw, Used to prepare Juice, Jam etc

Plant Details Agro-climatic Zone Vernacular Names Pictures
Scientific Name: Musa balbisiana Colla
Family: Musaceae Juss. Juss.
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Zingiberales
Genus: Musa L.
Fruiting Season: -
Fruting Condition: Ripe
  • Southern plateau and Hills Region & East Coast Plains and Hills Region
  • Eastern Himalayan Region
  • Southern plateau and Hills Region & West Coast Plains and Ghat Region
  • West Coast Plains and Ghat Region
  • West Coast Plains and Ghat Region & East Coast Plains and Hills Region
  • Middle Gangetic Plains Region & Upper Gangetic Plains Region

Andhra Pradesh : Arati
Assam : Athia Kol, Bhimkol
Karnataka : Vaazha
Kerala : Baazhe
Maharashtra : Kela
Manipur : Laphoo tharo
Mizoram : Vaibalhla
Tamil Nadu : Vaazha
Uttar Pradesh : Kela

Whole plant with fruits.

Ripe fruits

Plant with flower and fruit.

Compound/Chemical Immunomodulatory Activity Pathway Immunomodulatory Marker
Fruit pulp powderThe fruit extract helps to decrease cardiac hypertrophy as observed by a reduction slight of heart weight/tail length ratio and expression of fetal genes such as ANP, BNP, and beta-MHC.[1][2]
Fruit pulp powderAnti-inflammatory activityThe fruit extract was examined and observed that it significantly ncreases inflammatory markers such as IL-6 and TNF-alpha mRNA levels in hypertrophy heart cells.IL-6, TNF-alpha[1][2]
Major Class Metabolites
CaretenoidAlpha-carotene(Fruit), Beta-carotene(Flesh), Beta-cryptoxanthin(-), Lycopene(-), Lutein(-)
Enzyme3-O-rhamnosyl glucoside(-)
FlavonoidEpicatechin(Pulp), Catechin(Pulp), Leucocyanidin(-), Apiforol(Seed), Rutin(Pulp), Quercetin 3-(2-glucosylrhamnoside)(Pulp), Myricetin-3-O-rutinoside(Sap), Apigenin-6-C-glucoside-7-O-glucoside(Pulp), Naringenin glycosides(Sap)
Phenolic acidQuercetin-3-O-Rutinoside(-), 3-O-rhmnosyl-glucoside(-), Gallic acid(Pulp), Ferulic Acid(Fruit), Sinapic Acid(Fruit), Salicylic Acid(Fruit), p-hydroxybenzoic acid(Fruit), Vanillic acid(Fruit), Syringic acid(Fruit), Gentisic acid(Fruit), p-coumaric acid(-), Z-12-pentacosene(-), Chlorogenic acid(), Kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside(Pulp)
PhytosterolCampesterol(-), Stigmasterol(-), Beta-Sitosterol(-), Stigmasterol(-)
PolysaccharideAlpha-(1 - 6)-d-glucan(Fruit)
TaninTannic Acid(Leaf)
Terpene31-norcyclolaudenone(-), Cycloartenol(-)
Traditional Practice Diseases Plant Part Additional Knowledge
4.1, 04.1.1,,, 04.1.2,,
CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat-6, Assam, India
CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur-61,Himachal Pradesh, India