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Elaeagnus caudata

Mirika tenga is a well-known minor fruit partially available in most of the North-eastern states of India. It is red and fleshy when turns ripe, consisting of a seed in the centre and has a sweet and sour taste when consumed raw although it can be consumed in cooked form also. It belongs to the Elaeagnaceae family. According to many reports, the species comprises of many pharmacological and health benefits as such, the fruit is seen to have many nutrients and bioactive compounds like Phenolic acids, Flavonoids, Terpenes, beta-sitosterol, Kaempferol, Carotenoids and so on. The phenolic acid content in the fruit is reported to show antioxidant properties and DNA protective potentials. The flavonoids are seen to exhibit anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive properties and simultaneously the carotenoids in the fruits are seen to exhibit anti-carcinogenic and as well as hepatoprotective activities through various pathways associated with it.

Mode of Consumption: Mostly consumed Raw, Used to prepare Juice, Jam, Pickles Dried fruits etc

Plant Details Agro-climatic Zone Vernacular Names Pictures
Scientific Name: Elaeagnus caudata Schltdl. ex Momiy.
Family: Elaeagnaceae Juss.
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Rosales
Genus: Elaeagnus Tourn. ex L.
Fruiting Season: April-May
Fruting Condition: Ripe
  • Eastern Himalayan Region

Assam : Beerai esing (Mishing), Bon jora, Mirika tenga, Solengi arikong (Karbi)
Compound/Chemical Immunomodulatory Activity Pathway Immunomodulatory Marker
Major Class Metabolites
Traditional Practice Diseases Plant Part Additional Knowledge
FruitPersimmon Fruit Tannin-Rich Fiber Reduces Cholesterol Levels in Humans[1]
CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat-6, Assam, India
CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur-61,Himachal Pradesh, India