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Cucumis melo

Cucumis are sweet and juicy fruits famous for their nutritional benefits to health and wellness. It is also known as Musk melon as it has similar properties to melons and is categorized under the Cucurbitaceae family. The fruit contains seeds which are reported to have analgesic activities and anti-inflammatory activities as it has been seen that it can abolish the leukocyte influx and reduce LBT4 levels during an inflammation. Again, according to data it is also seen that the fruit also possesses hepatoprotective effects as it has a protective effect in opposition to CCL4 intoxication. Besides all this, the consumption of Musk melon is seen to elevate our immunity because the fruit helps to increase the intervention of type 1 helper T-lymphocytes (Th1) along with the expressions of IL-4 and INF-gamma.

Mode of Consumption: Mostly consumed Raw, Used to prepare Juice, Jam, Pickles Dried fruits etc

Plant Details Agro-climatic Zone Vernacular Names Pictures
Scientific Name: Cucumis melo L.
Family: Cucurbitaceae Juss.
Class: Magnoliopsida 
Order: Cucurbitales
Genus: Cucumis L.
Fruiting Season: June-September
Fruting Condition: Ripe
  • Southern plateau and Hills Region & East Coast Plains and Hills Region
  • Eastern Himalayan Region
  • West Coast Plains and Ghat Region
  • West Coast Plains and Ghat Region & East Coast Plains and Hills Region

Andhra Pradesh : Adavi Puchcha, Kharbujados, Kodibudana, Putchakaya
Assam : Bangi, Bon-tiyonh, Chiral
Kerala : Vellaikai
Tamil Nadu : Kattuhunmati, Sukkankaai

Sliced fruit on display.

Melon flower.

Fruit on display.

Compound/Chemical Immunomodulatory Activity Pathway Immunomodulatory Marker
Fruit extractAnti-inflammatory activityIt reduces the level of TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IL-1beta and increaes IL-10, TGF-beta and IL-4TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-1beta, IL-4, IL-10, TGF-beta[3]
Fruit extractAnti-inflammatory activityThe administration of Cucumis melo extract helps to improve levels of inflammation with reduction of ATMs and a lower percentage of CD11C+ M1 macrophages and an increase percentage of CD206 M2 macrophages.CD11C+ M1, CD206 M2 macrophages[3]
Fruit extractAntiproliferative activityThe extracts of melon fruit has promising effects to support antiproliferative effects or activity on tumor cell lines such as HeLa cell line, HT-29 cell line and 786-0 cell line as measured by MTT tests.[2]
Fruit extractAntioxidant activityThe fruit extract exhibits TAC (Total Antioxidant activity Capacity) activity reported as ascorbic acid equivalents. It denotes that the extracts interacts with elctron donating systems to minimiz the attack of free radicals.[2]
Major Class Metabolites
24-Methyl-25(27)-Dehydrocycloartanol(Seed), 24-Methylene-24-Dihydrolanasetol(Seed), 24-Methylene-cycloartanol(Seed), α-Spinasterol(Fruit), α-tocopherol(Fruit), Arachidic acid(Seed), β-amyrin(Seed), β-carotene(Fruit), β- pyrazol-1-yl-alanine(Fruit), 24-Methyl-25(27)-Dehydrocycloartanol(Seed), 24-Methylene-24-Dihydrolanasetol(Seed), 24-Methylene-cycloartanol(Seed), α-Spinasterol(Fruit), α-tocopherol(Fruit), Arachidic acid(Seed), β-amyrin(Seed), β- pyrazol-1-yl-alanine(Fruit), β-sitosterol(Fruit), Caffeic acid(Plant), Campesterol(Seed), Caproic acid(Seed), Caprylic acid(Seed), Ceryl alcohol(Seed), Cucurbitacin-E(Fruit), Cucurbitin(Fruit), Folacin(Folacin), Lauric acid(Seed), Linoleic acid(Seed), Myristic acid(Fruit)
Traditional Practice Diseases Plant Part Additional Knowledge
UnaniFlatulenceoilEffective in improving the hemorrhoids symptoms in pregnant womens[4]
Incompatible with Tomatoes, Kiwi, Bananas and some fruits like Avocado.

CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat-6, Assam, India
CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur-61,Himachal Pradesh, India