Details of Plants:Roscoea purpurea

Plant details

Family: Zingiberaceae

Ferulic Acid
Protocatechuic Acid
Syringic Acid
Vanillic Acid
NE-statewise availability

Vernacular Name

Meghalaya: Yu-wa-ngon
Ailments cured

Malarial Fever
Plant parts used and methods

Whole plant: Decoction taken orally
Plant References

Bora. U; et al. Medicinal Plants used by the People of Northeast India for Curing Malaria, Phytotherapy Research, 21, 800-804, 2007.

Phytochemical References

Misra, A; et al. Nutritional evaluation, antioxidant studies and quantification of poly phenolics, in Roscoea purpurea tubers. BMC research notes 8.1: 1-7, 2015.