Details of Plants:Melothria maderaspatana

Plant details

Family: Cucurbitaceae

Octadeca-9,12-Dienoic Acid
Oleic Acid
Palmitic Acid
NE-statewise availability

Arunachal Pradesh
Vernacular Name

Manipur: Lamthab
Arunachal Pradesh: Kabomako
Ailments cured

Malarial Fever
Plant parts used and methods

Whole plant: Extract taken orally
Tuber: Paste taken orally
Plant References

Meetei. S. Y; Singh. P. K; Survey for Medicinal Plants of Thoubal District, Manipur. Flora and Fauna 13 (2) 355-358, 2007.

Bora. U; et al. Medicinal Plants used by the People of Northeast India for Curing Malaria, Phytotherapy Research, 21, 800-804, 2007.

Phytochemical References

Pandey, D; et al. Pharmacognostical Standardization and Isolation of Ergosterol from Melothria maderaspatana Linn. International Journal of Food Properties 16.8: 1871-1882, 2013.

Mohanraj, K; et al., IMPPAT: A curated database of Indian Medicinal Plants, Phytochemistry And Therapeutics, Scientific reports, 8:4329, 2018.