Details of Plants:Lippia javanica
Family: Verbenaceae (Z)-tagetenone Camphor Icterogenin Limonene Linalool Myrcene Myrcenone Ocimene Pinene Thymol cis-tagetone p-cymene β-cariophyllene (E)-tagetenone β-caryophyllene |
Assam Assam: Bontulsi |
Headache |
Leaves: Extract applied topically |
Purkayatha.J; et al. Ethnobotany of medicinal plants from Dibru-Saikhowa Biosphere Reserve of Northeast India, Fitoterapia 76, 121 – 127, 2005. Pascual, M. E; et al. Lippia: traditional uses, chemistry and pharmacology: a review. Journal of ethnopharmacology 76.3: 201-214, 2001. |