Details of Plants:Erythrina arborescens

Plant details

Family: Fabaceae

(+)-Erysodinophorine hydroxide
(+)-Erysophorine chloride
(+)-Erysopinophorine hydroxide
(+)-Isoerysopinophorine hydroxide
NE-statewise availability

Vernacular Name

Meghalaya: Dieng-song
Ailments cured

Skin diseases
Plant parts used and methods

Leaves: Paste applied topically
Plant References

Kayang. H; et al. Medicinal Plants of Khasi Hills of Meghalaya, India, Bioprospecting & Ethnopharmacology, 1, 75-80, 2005.

Phytochemical References

Hussain, M, M; A further comprehensive review on the phytoconstituents from the genus Erythrina. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal 23.1: 65-77, 2020.