Details of Plants:Clerodendrum L.

Plant details

Family: Verbenaceae

NE-statewise availability

Arunachal Pradesh
Vernacular Name

Nagaland: Vant
Mizoram: Phui-hnam-chhia
Meghalaya: Bhat
Arunachal Pradesh: Baarta pipy
Manipur: Baant
Ailments cured

Malarial Fever
Plant parts used and methods

Leaves: Ash infusion applied topically
Plant References

Tangjanga. S; et al. An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants in the Eastern Himalayan zone of Arunachal Pradesh; India; Journal of Ethnopharmacology 134; 18–25; 2011.

Bora. U; et al. Medicinal Plants used by the People of Northeast India for Curing Malaria, Phytotherapy Research, 21, 800-804, 2007.

Phytochemical References

Florence, A, R; et al. Intra-specific variation of bioactive principles in select members of the genus Clerodendrum L. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 4.11: 4908-4914, 2012.

Florence, A, R; et al. Intra-specific variation of bioactive principles in select members of the genus Clerodendrum L. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 4.11: 4908-4914, 2012.