Details of Plants:Camellia sinensis

Plant details

Family: Theaceae

Vanillic Acid
hydroxyCaffeic Acid
spinacetin 3-glucoside
NE-statewise availability

Arunachal Pradesh
Vernacular Name

Arunachal Pradesh: Khelap
Ailments cured

Abdominal pain
Plant parts used and methods

Leaves: Boiled and applied topically
Plant References

Tangjanga. S; et al. An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants in the Eastern Himalayan zone of Arunachal Pradesh; India; Journal of Ethnopharmacology 134; 18–25; 2011.

Phytochemical References

Xiao, X; et al. Phytochemical properties of black tea (Camellia sinensis) and rooibos tea (Aspalathus linearis); and their modulatory effects on key hyperglycaemic processes and oxidative stress. Journal of Food Science and Technology 57.12: 4345-4354, 2020.