Details of Plants:Buddleja macrostachya

Plant details

Family: Buddlejaceae

6- -L-(4 -O-trans-pcoumaroyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol
6-α-L-(2 -caffeoyl)rhamnopyranosylcatalpol
Buddejasaponin I
Buddlejasaponin Ia
Mimengoside C
acacetin-7-O- -L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1 6)- -Dglucopyranoside
NE-statewise availability

Vernacular Name

Meghalaya: Jalong krem
Ailments cured

venereal diseases
Plant parts used and methods

Leaves: Taken orally
Plant References

Kayang. H; et al. Medicinal Plants of Khasi Hills of Meghalaya, India, Bioprospecting & Ethnopharmacology, 1, 75-80, 2005.

Phytochemical References

Hien, T, T, T; et al. Secondary metabolites from the aerial parts of Buddleja macrostachya Benth. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry 56.2: 139-145, 2018.