Details of Plants:Betula utilis

Plant details

Family: Betulaceae

Acetyl-Oleanolic Acid
Betulic acid
Betulinic Acid
Karachic acid
Lupeol caffeate
Oleanolic Acid 3-O-caffeate
NE-statewise availability

Vernacular Name

Sikkim: Bhojpatra
Ailments cured

Plant parts used and methods

Bark : Paste applied topically
Plant References

Das. T; et al. Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants Used by Ethnic and Rural People in Eastern Sikkim Himalayan Region, African Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 4 (1): 16-20, 2012.

Phytochemical References

Rastogi, S; et al. Medicinal plants of the genus Betula—Traditional uses and a phytochemical–pharmacological review. Journal of ethnopharmacology 159: 62-83, 2015.