Details of Plants:Alnus nepalensis

Plant details

Family: Betulaceae

NE-statewise availability

Arunachal Pradesh
Vernacular Name

Nagaland: Hongtong sing (Sangtam)
Arunachal Pradesh: Taram sin
Ailments cured

Cuts and wounds
Plant parts used and methods

Bark: Paste applied topically
Root: Paste applied topically
Leaves: Paste applied topically
Plant References

Sangtam, T. L; et al. International Journal Of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicine 2: 2, 267: 275, 2012.

Perme. N; et al. Medicinal Plants in Traditional Use at Arunachal Pradesh; India; International Journal of Phytopharmacy; Vol. 5 (5); 86-98; 2015.

Phytochemical References

Perme, N; et al., Medicinal plants in traditional use at Arunachal Pradesh, India. International Journal of Phytopharmacy 5.5: 86-98, 2015.